tinderThere is a Tinder for virtually every industry. Including real estate.

What about a Tinder for Real Estate Agents?

This would be a drop dead simple app to design and build, as it would need only about 5 total screens.

What would the primary screens contain?

Primary summary screen: Name, small photo, average response time, count of mutual friends, area of expertise

Available Actions: Swipe right, swipe left, more details

Full agent details screen: Name, photo, average response time, mutual friends, mutual likes, testimonials, short bio, area of expertise, previous sales

Available Actions: Swipe right, swipe left, back to summary screen

Once buyers or sellers indicate which agents they’re potentially interested in working with, unlock the ability to ask questions anonymously — which I still believe is the next major consumer pain point to be solved. Essentially, the next iteration of interviewing an agent. Who knows, maybe this would actually get more buyers and sellers to evaluate different agents rather than simply using the first agent to pick up the phone.

We all know ideas are easy and execution is not. I did the easy part. You go do the hard part and build it. The easy part is worth nothing. The hard part could be a substantial payday — particularly if this app solves the trust opportunity.

PS: Want to build it, but don’t know where to start with technology? I know the people that can get it to market for you. Schedule a call if you want to chat.