Tipping Tuesday…with BitCoin
I’ll follow Fred’s lead: Tipping Tuesday.
I added a tip button from Coinbase to all posts here on Geek Estate, if you feel inclined to help keep the lights on.
I included a Paypal donate button on this post earlier this year, and got one or two donations from it. We’ll see if a tip with bitcoin gets any better response. For those who want to add a tip button to your own site, you can do that here: https://www.coinbase.com/tip
Andrew Gale
Posted at 13:57h, 19 NovemberThis is awesome, shows why Geek estate is one of the most innovative RE blogs.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 14:01h, 19 NovemberNow we just need some tips to occur. I’m guessing most people don’t have coinbase accounts.. no better time to sign up than now
Andrew Gale
Posted at 14:04h, 19 NovemberYeah, I still think bitcoin is really niche. It’s grown pretty well and people might of heard of it but, I don’t think most have a bitcoin account yet.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 19:54h, 19 NovemberI’m an early adopter on pretty much most things tech…and even I didn’t have a bitcoin account until extremely recently.
Andrew Gale
Posted at 14:06h, 19 NovemberI also wonder if there is a bigger idea here. If bit coin tips are working elsewhere, why couldn’t you make the same type of icon/app that deals w/ paypal and using paypal tips? Maybe give the users a profile too so they could show off what they’ve tipped for.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 15:48h, 19 NovemberThat would be pretty interesting indicator of interest. Would be really interesting to get tips per business opportunity. I’ve outlined multiple ideas I think could work…I’d love to know with some real digital money which ones people would back. And if we got agents/brokers backing some, that’s essentially customers for them before they are ever built.