To Geek or Not to Geek
Have you ever asked yourself…”Should I do it myself or hire some geek to do it for me?” This is a common question for many Realtors. For years Realtors have been struggling with the decision to either dive head first into technology (DIY) or hire someone else do it for them and let them figure it all out. Some, but not all, Realtors are truly capable of doing it for them self effectively. Keeping up with technology is a challenge everyone faces, not just Realtors. I hope that with our combined knowledge of technology at GeekEstate, all of us can help guide you through some of the more technical aspects of online real estate or at least give you a tutorial that will guide you to make the right decisions. I imagine helping you filter through the nonsense out there would be helpful too.
Here are a few of the items I hope to be covering on Geek Estate.
1. API’s, Widgets and more.
2. Video tips, tricks and simplicity.
3. Search Engine Optimization tips. (there are no tricks)
4. Online Reputation Management.
5. Blogs, blogs, blogs.
6. HTML tips & quirks.
7. Web Hosting basics.
8. Listing Syndication & Distribution.
9. New tech products.
10. Anything geeky that can affect online real estate.
Technology is often difficult to understand and even more difficult to simplify, so I hope we don’t get too techie on you. If we do, feel free to straighten us out in the comment section and we’ll do our best to clarify.
Posted at 11:18h, 21 AugustOh good! I can’t wait! I’m a Realtor – Geek wannabe