trulia-logoThe coders reading, would be wise to take note that Trulia released some open source code today — the Trulia Java RETS Client.

It is an open source RETS data feed importer — meaning it should vastly speed up the time it takes to start working with MLS data for web and mobile applications (rather than having to build your own data importer before you can do anything).

Smart move to earn some developer mindshare, Trulia.

As I’m not a developer, I only generally get the gist of what this open source code means. If you are a coder, and want to write a geekier summary of what the code does and what it means to real estate technology innovation, shoot me a note and I’ll get you setup with an author account here. Or leave your thoughts in the comments on this post to clarify for other developers what is, & is not, here code-wise.

And remember, if you are a real estate techie with a GitHub user name & interested in discovering others, you should read this.