unbundleIf you follow the tech industry, “unbundling” mobile has been a trend over the past 9 or 12 months. Facebook is doing it. Dropbox is doing it. Foursquare is doing it. Heck, even Google is doing it.

I’ve talked to several entrepreneurs over the past couple years who want to compete against Zillow and Trulia and Realtor.com.

The common complaint?

It’s too complicated. There is too much data. Consumers have no idea what to do with all of it.

If you really think about it – the portals have an incentive to put as much information on the page as possible. They ultimately make more money when consumers DO get confused and overwhelmed. Why? Because then those consumers will contact an agent — and the portals’ business model hinges on generating leads (“contacts”) for their advertisers.

Look, I’m not knocking the portals. I’m a huge huge believer in data transparency. I want to see all the data myself, and make my own conclusions.

That said, I’m a geek.

The average person? I’m not sure they really do. Or maybe they “think” they want all the data, but then you show it to them and they are utterly confused and overwhelmed. We all know, for many, ignorance is bliss, right?

Turns out, many would rather just have a drop dead simple way to look at listings (which bodes well for DoorSteps Swipe). Or a simple way to browse neighborhood videos. Or a non overwhelming way to get answers from experienced agents.

Want to compete….master one slice of the pie. What tiny slice will it be?

[Graphic via http://beyondplm.com/]