[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: Plunk]
While real estate is an appreciating asset, homes often have untapped equity potential. Upgrading a home’s curb appeal, features, and systems while owning the home builds its value as much as paying off the mortgage–yet many homeowners don’t have the tools or knowledge to start.

Enter Plunk, helping homeowners, real estate professionals, and investors value and invest in residential real estate. Through AI, Machine Learning, and image analysis, Plunk Value shows the forecasted value of a fully renovated version of a home, paired with comparative analysis and value drivers explaining which factors drive the home value up or down. By analyzing an individual home, Plunk recommends the top projects to tackle based on cost and home value impact, bringing transparency to a home’s potential value. Homeowners can also see real-time data on their property’s current value with Plunk’s Home Ticker.

Plunk also provides real-time market insights that track and capture the local, regional, and overall market performance.

What we like: By providing transparency to a home’s potential future value by considering additional square footage, optimizing living space, and renting out underused space, Plunk is well positioned in a rapidly evolving sector.

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