Using Video to Strengthen your Relationships
It’s that time of the year when I’m in the giving mood and the Geek Estate Community deserve to get some great relevant content for the Christmas season.
Today I’m sharing an example of what I’m doing with video to help strengthen my relationships with my trusted partners. I’ve picked my top 5 trusted business partners that I already currently pass a decent amount of introductions to and have put together a video about why I like them and that they are MY Guy and you should use them as well.
Just grab the camera and make it happen. I don’t care how you do the video or what camera you use if it’s something as simple as someone holding a flip camera with both of you at each others office that will work just fine. You need to talk about your actual personal experience in dealing with that person, put there phone number at the end — and boom you’re off to the races.
Here’s my quick tips when you are helping a carpet cleaner in a respective area make the title of your video Carpet Cleaning (That City) – Then the Actual Company name. Next in the description write a decent sized paragraph that relates to carpet cleaning make sure you included carpet cleaning 1 or 2 times in that description you dont have to go crazy a few times is plenty. Put in relevant keywords and boom wait for magic to happen. Here is an example video I created highlighting Green Bay Floor Restore:
When you get your trusted partners in google — the rest is history.
I believe in the law of reciprocation and that’s why I do all of my trusted partner videos for FREE. Zero. Nada. Nothing. The reason I do this is simple. I believe if I do something of value for someone it’s going to come back in huge dividends.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas much love from the Green Bay Homes Expert.
Posted at 07:51h, 23 DecemberI love your blog, you should add an RSS feed feature so
I can get automatic notifications of new blogs. If you set one up please email
me! I will bookmark you for now. Again Excellent Blog!
Michael Borger
Posted at 13:35h, 26 DecemberThis is a great tip. I’m getting quotes from GCs and handymen on a rehab project and will be featuring whoever I use on my pre-marketing videos. It’ll help build their business and network of referrals and, most likely, mine as well.
Posted at 18:56h, 01 JanuaryMichael it has been a tremendous help to my introduction business over the past few years. One of the people I highlighted 2 years ago introduced me to over 20K in gci this year alone.