I just wanted to say thanks to Drew for inviting me to be a contributor to the GeekState blog and to quickly introduce myself. For those who don’t know, I am one of the co-founders of vFlyer where I am responsible for marketing, partnerships and the company’s blog.

Aaron Sperling and I launched vFlyer almost a year ago as horizontal marketing and distribution platform and very quickly found that real estate was one of our “sweet spots”. Since then, I have learned a lot about real estate and share a passion for technology and real estate as do many of my fellow contributors.

Real estate is hard work and technology can definately help! I have found that real estate professionals are much further ahead of the technology learning curve than their counterparts in other small business segements. In fact, I have not seem the same level of Web 2.0 and Internet technology adoption in any other small business category. A good example of this is simply the number of Realtors involved in blogging! Robert Melton of Pittsburgh Homes Daily has indentified and tracks well over 1,000 Real Estate Blogs and I am sure that figure doesn’t take into account the number of real estate bloggers on social networking sites such as ActiveRain.

I have also found most real estate professionals to be hard working, open to new ideas and personable in a way that has made my involvement in the industry a pleasure and has led to many friendships and even more great conversations.

That said, I look forward to being an active contributor to this blog. Those who know me know that although I love getting into the “nitty gritty” of technology, at the end of the day, I am more of a “big picture” guy. You are probably not going to see me writing a lot of step by step how-to’s or in depth analysis of late breaking news pieces – although I think both are great! When I paint, I paint with broad strokes and blog, I generally do the same – I will try and focus on helping real estate professionals understand the meta trends in real estate – how technologies like video, podcasting, syndication, and mobile will change the way they market their listings. Also, I will tend to use a good dose of bold in my posts – you’ll have to forgive me – in real-life I often get accused of speaking too loudly so I guess this is just my way of blogging loudly.