REAL QUICK, in case you are coming late to the party (which I never recommend, because the beautiful people are allready taken!) here is where it all started….

“Web 3.0 – A Post Intended to “Define” & “Design”, – Original Post Nov 2nd

Web 3.0 – Discussion #1 – “OMG, I Never Thought of That!”  #2 Nov 20th

Web 3.0 – A Series of Posts Intended to “Design” & “Define” – Question #1 Discussion #3 Dec 3rd

Web 3.0 – A Series of Posts Intended to “Design” & “Define” – Question #2 Discussion Dec 10th

OK, now let’s look at the responses to Question #3…

There is a prevailing thought amongst those who are working on Web 3.0 that the web will be “Curated”, what does “Curated” mean to you?

Jay Thompson – “it’s like what a Museum guy does, they curate. They take care of things, and decide what the public will see”

Tyler Hurst – “We all are Curators, right now, by what we choose to share on the web. We share things that we think are relevant. We share them on applications like Twitter and Facebook. We “curate” our information”.

Me – “OK, I want you to think beyond Real Estate right now…Maybe, as Kevin Kelley suggested, we are looking at the evolution of the web in a type of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and thus becoming The “7th Kingdom of Life“. Each day of our existance  we leave behind a “Digital Footprint” by what we do (writing a blog post), where we go (the navigation in our car), what we say (our Tweets and Facebook updates). This information is “harvested” by the web and will be used to create a “Digital Image” of who we are. It will be the source of information for “The Semantic Web“, and could quite possibly evolve into a force that thinks for us, using that very information”…..SPOOKY!

Zane Burnett – “I think Eric just excited me”. I don’t know if anyone has read of Vernor Vinge? He wrote an essay on “Singularity”, which hypothesized that all the needed info will be captured by the year 2025 or so and at that point machines will be “On Par” with humans.  


Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.
— Vernor Vinge, 1993


He also said that “We will have reached the point where the web can decide to “arbitrarily” choose one choice over another” He sited “Wolphram Alpha” as an example of the web thinking for itself. Crazy? Maybe, but it is very scary thought for some.”

Ok, so….we reached a point in the discussion that begins to test ones ability to open their minds to possibilities. Many times in life we are faced with that opportunity, and many times we “dismiss” it. Weather you choose to believe this is possible, or not, if you took a moment to do a search for [Semantic Web] or like topics, and you saw the individuals working on the theory, and the billions of dollars being invested into being the 1st to prove and master it, it would have to make you think….Why would the most brilliant minds in the world be working on it? Why would the worlds largest corporations be bankrolling it? and Why would every country have people dedicated to being there 1st?

It makes you think! and I hope, it “gets you in the game”…

Help us “Design” & “Define”, leave a comment!

Next Post, question  #4 (final question) – How are we gonna pay for all this?

The Coach – Business Development Rep for “The Pango Group”