This isn’t particularly an opinion piece, just personal experience looking for your insights.  I use multiple web browsers simultaneously to stay logged into different user accounts on Google etc. for business and personal.  None of this is ground-breaking but I thought some of you in our community might have different experiences.

For a long time now, I’ve used Chrome and Firefox, with Internet Explorer as a backup when absolutely necessary.  No one is surprised that IE is a poor choice these days, but Firefox seems to be falling off as well.  It’s getting slower and clunkier, as well as trying to tie in worthless products like the Ask Toolbar with downloads.  I wonder if this is a sign of financial problems.

Safari for Windows seems to be abandoned at this point.  One big surprise I had this week was trying the new version of Opera.  I’d figured this product had disappeared years ago, but so far the browser is fantastic.  It seems to operate in a clean and simple way, much like Chrome.  It’s fast and intuitive, and will probably become my second screen go-to browser.

My other backup is Tor Browser, which I believe is based on the Firefox platform.  For those of you that regularly check up on organic search rankings, Tor allows for truly anonymous searches.  You can see where your sites would actually rank for a user located anywhere in the world, and not let your past searching and location alter the results.

What’s your experience, and what am I missing?