Reflecting back on the past year. I came up with three things that made a huge difference in my business. I would like to share them with you and here what you did in 2009 that made a huge difference.

1. Made the real estate search prominent on the homepage. (By putting the search high on the home page it made it really easy for the user to get right into a search for real estate. This caused the bounce rate to drastically drop.)

2. Started using light boxes on the sign ups instead of taking the user to another page. (This simple little thing increased the sign ups because the user was able to see what they were going to get.)

3. Integrated a custom CRM (lead Manager) for all the leads. (This is been a huge improvement as well. My agents are able to manage the leads a lot more effectively.)

I really believe the less you make your user think the higher your conversions will be and the sticker your site will be.

Also recently created an interactive map search that works pretty well, but have not had enough feed back on that to comment on its effect 😉

I would like to wish everybody a Happy Holiday and a very successful 2010.