Do you know what to get your favorite Geek this holiday season? I know, I know. Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet and I’m already talking about holiday presents, but hear me out.

presentIf you’re like me and most of my geek friends, you’ve become complacent with your holiday wish list. When asked what you want for the holidays, you’re likely to say, “I don’t really need anything”, “Whatever you want to give is fine”, or “A gift certificate to, Best Buy,, etc. works”.

Geeks Need the Holiday Shopping Season

I never understood the holiday shopping craze until recently. While holidays are a great time to take vacation, appreciate your loved ones, and reflect on the past year, they’re also bargain shopping times. First, some of the best geek discounts are offered at the end of the year. Second, holiday gifts are next to birthday presents in being excuses to receive items you’d never buy for yourself.

I know you probably don’t want much for the holidays, but if you’re family is forcing you to decide, here’s some cool geek gifts to think about.

Wooden Monitor, Mouse and Keyboard. Come on, have you ever seen anything so cool? Not only do they look pretty sleek, but I bet you’d get tons of second glances. has higher quality stuff, but I also found a keyboard and mouse set for only $20 at

Prefer something less practical?

Start office warfare with your USB Office Missile Launcher or be the source of ridicule with your retro cell phone headset, both from

Better yet, spend about $13 to brand yourself with geek jewelry from

Geeks need to stick together when it comes to holiday gifts. Unite with us by posting your links to some cool geek gifts to give or receive this holiday season!