Is e-mail in danger? That’s the question Alex Iskold at ReadWriteWeb set about to answer with his post yesterday. With Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, text messaging, blogs, wikis, Skype, instant messaging, and the array of other online communication tools available, the question of whether e-mail is in danger is a valid one in my mind.

I’ll be the first to admit it — I’m immersed in my inbox at work everyday at work and it’s absolutely essential to getting my work done. But outside of work, I am seldom on e-mail. Instead, I communicate daily with people via Facebook, google talk, AOL Instant Messenger, Skype, cell phone, and through text messaging.

I think the shift toward alternative online forms of communication will become more and more relevant to real estate professionals as those belonging to Generation Y (like me) begin buying homes. Part of the home buying process requires conversing with agents and mortgage lenders. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that real estate professionals are going to have to adapt to the new forms of communication used by tomorrow’s home buyers, or lose that business to others who do.

I’m certainly not ready to give up my inbox, at least not YET, but the question still stands — do you think e-mail is in danger as the preferred online communication tool? If the answer is yes, then as a very seldom twitter user, I’ll just have to hope that twitter is not the communication tool that takes it over — or get with the program if it is.