Love all my geeky things…my iPad, my Windows 7 phone, my blog, facebook, twitter, Google+ and all things that make me the cool “Nana-Agent” that I am and at the top of my game. BUT, that said, there are a few Technological Advances in the real estate biz that send me running back to “Old School” business practices.

Most notably…the online signing of Real Estate contracts.

21 years…almost no instances of Buyer Remorse. You know…that thing that causes a Real Estate Transaction to #FAIL, because a buyer is having 2nd thoughts about whether or not he really wants to buy the property he contracted to purchase. Some things are better done “nose to nose; toes to toes” and signing a real estate contract is one of them.

I’m not talking about an initial that’s needed on an insignificant change or minor event. But ANYTHING at all that involves making a firm and binding COMMITMENT, should be done…IN PERSON. Why? So I can read the body language. See if they are sweating profusely. Experience the reality that one is happily signing, while the spouse is asking 20 Questions about “How do I Cancel and get my Earnest Money back?”.

When someone is spending over a half a million dollars

you really don’t want to make it TOO EASY.

Part of the problem is we pretty much TRICK buyers into signing Binding Contracts by calling it “an offer”…which…if the seller signs it with no changes…can quickly become a ZOMG! “aha! moment” that instantaneously becomes Actually BUYING the House vs “Making an Offer” on it.

I have yet to hear a Real Estate Agent say: “Let’s go type up and sign a Binding Contract to BUY This House”, vs  calling it “making an offer”.

Technology is GREAT! It really is! Love it! BUT…when someone is putting their “John Hancock” on a contract to purchase something that costs Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars…we don’t necessarily want them to do that…in a Nanosecond.