If you’re currently blogging on a WordPress based blog, then read this!  For those of you who aren’t familiar with WordPress, here’s they say about it – “WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.”  This ingenius platform began in 2003 and has since become one of, if not the largest blog applications in the world.

Here’s what you may not know.  Since WordPress is open source, meaning free and free to change and study, people everywhere are creating their own applications that you can download and use – plugins.  What I didn’t realize is that people are also creating themes for WordPress.  These themes are basically layouts and designs for your blog. 

There are tons of sites where you can download free and premium(pay) themes.  Once you download them, you can then go in and alter colors, fonts, etc.  I haven’t actually downloaded anything yet, but I’m looking and am excited to try them. 

There are all kinds of themes and by simply Googling “wordpress themes,” you’ll find more than enough to sort through.  This is perfect for those of you who want to start blogging, but don’t like the basic layout of most free blogsites.  This way, you can just download a theme you like and make it your own.  You can also save a lot of time by either using one of these themes, or modeling your own after one.  And for those of you who manage your own sites, this will give you some cool ideas on how to make your site more appealing and user friendly.  Good luck.