Nothing like a bit of exciting news on an otherwise boring Monday to shake things up in the real estate industry.

It was announced today that Zillow (my former employer) acquired Postlets, a free syndicator of real estate listings. The company was founded by Asher Matsuda and Raymond Chen in 2005 and today boasts over 350,000 listings and 500,000 registered users (though not sure how many are active every month). Asher and I worked on a few initiatives during my biz dev days at Zillow and I was always impressed with him. I know Postlets was a part time thing for both Ray and Asher, so am happy to see their work pay off for them with a financial exit (though they are both now full time Zillow employees). I’m not going to write a novel, but I do have a few thoughts to share:

  • I certainly agree with Brian that this is a counter strategic move to Move’s acquisition of Listhub a few months ago.
  • That said, I still see a good relationship with ListHub as essential to both Zillow and ListHub. Zillow receives a large number of listings from ListHub and ListHub’s value is significantly lessoned to its partners if it were to stop sending listings to Zillow/Yahoo! Real Estate. So, this doesn’t mean Zillow is going to kick ListHub to the curb.
  • While Zillow is not likely to stop cooperating with ListHub, you can of course expect them to try to direct agent and brokerage partners toward Postlets for syndication services rather than ListHub. Listings syndication is a must for any agent or brokerage that is focused on doing everything they can to sell their listings, and Zillow can now offer those services to its clients as a result of this acquisition. This acquisition takes them one step closer to being a one stop technology shop for agents and brokers.
  • Believe it or not, I actually expect this to help Zillow more in the rentals area than in the for sale area. Without looking at the actual data, I think Postlets has a bigger inventory of rentals than homes on the market — and I bet the registered list of users includes a large number of property managers and landlords which Postlets can help Zillow reach. Brokers and agents already know Zillow, but Zillow has more work to do to reach landlords and renters.
  • It’s interesting that Zillow acquired a company – to date, they’ve had a strong culture to build features internally, and I would say that’s worked pretty well so far. To me, the acquisition indicates they are ramping up for an IPO and need to have the strategic services at their disposal to counter any competitive questions about Move during the IPO process. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another acquisition or two prior to their IPO…but I’ve been wrong before.

Will be interesting to see how this shakes out over the next year or so. With Move owning ListHub, Zillow owning Postlets, the question now becomes what will Trulia do? To compete for agent and broker ad dollars, it seems they are going to have to offer syndication to their partners as well. vFlyer maybe? Or Birdview Technologies?