Zillow Hits 15.7 Million Unique Visitors in February
This morning’s Tweet from Zillow’s CEO Spencer Rascoff caught my attention:
Zillow’s record January: 15.7 million unique monthly visitors, up 75% year-over-year. Thanks to each and everyone one of you!
This seems to be a clear indication that Zillow is growing fast (13 million unique users in December) and pulling away from the pack of real estate portals. Anyone know (and willing to share) February traffic numbers for Trulia and Realtor.com?
Full disclosure: I worked for Zillow for 4 1/2 years and am a minor shareholder in the company.
Sam DeBord, SeattleHome.com
Posted at 14:10h, 02 FebruaryZillow’s offering some features that others aren’t doing well. The mapping/parcel overlay and tax data is much better on Zillow than on Realtor.com. Both have the same issue of not having all MLS listings. Even though most agents see the zestimate as a gimmick, consumers are clearly intrigued.
Sam DeBord, SeattleHome.com
Posted at 14:10h, 02 FebruaryZillow’s offering some features that others aren’t doing well. The mapping/parcel overlay and tax data is much better on Zillow than on Realtor.com. Both have the same issue of not having all MLS listings. Even though most agents see the zestimate as a gimmick, consumers are clearly intrigued.
Shelter Realty
Posted at 17:32h, 02 FebruaryThe partnership with Yahoo definitely is a reason they are seeing such a huge jump in traffic. If I had to recommend a site to a consumer, I would still suggest Realtor.com all day long!
Posted at 17:34h, 02 FebruaryJust curious why you say that? Is there consumer functionality on
Realtor.com that you feel is more user friendly than doing the same action
on Zillow?
Shelter Realty
Posted at 00:02h, 03 FebruaryDrew,
I couldn’t answer that question as I don’t use Zillow on a regular basis. I believe I updated my profile on the site a few weeks ago but before that, the last time I used the site was when they first launched the rental section.
Call me old school, but being a Realtor, I would rather support the National Association of Realtors and promote a product that is being provided by my association than a competing product like Zillow. I mean really, I am paying for it every month with my dues!
Did I mention Zillow goes after the same key search phrases as I do in my real estate market? Normally you would call that a competitor!
Posted at 00:05h, 03 February“Did I mention Zillow goes after the same key search phrases as I do in my
real estate market?”
True, but so does Realtor.com
Shelter Realty
Posted at 00:15h, 03 FebruaryTrue, but like I said in my post, I am a dues paying member and Realtor.com was around before I launched my first site, Zillow wasn’t!
Posted at 00:18h, 03 FebruaryThe question is whether Realtor.com is benefitting your business? Are they
sending you business? From what I hear in the industry, there are actually
way more agents who hate Realtor.com than hate Zillow. I don’t think I’ve
ever heard an agent say that Realtor.com is working with their best
interests in mind.
Shelter Realty
Posted at 01:32h, 03 FebruaryMy main business is property management. I do receive more rental inquiries from Realtor.com than any other site, except for Craigslist. I use Postlets.com, which syndicates to Zillow and I get about 1 to 2 inquiries a month from Zillow for my rental properties. This is the same amount of inquiries I get from hotpads.com which has no where near the amount of traffic as Zillow.
You’re right, most Realtors aren’t happy with Realtor.com but as a Realtor, one way or another, I have to pay dues. It’s bad enough I am paying dues to an organization/site that Move.com made my competitor, so why would I promote another competitor like Zillow? That doesn’t make much sense.
In my opinion, the arrangement NAR made with Move.com was not in the best interest of Realtors but that’s a whole different topic.
I’m sure Zillow is a great tool for consumers, but as a Realtor, I wouldn’t recommend the site to any consumer or client. If there was a resource that I couldn’t provide with my site, I would send them to Realtor.com. Many agents agree with my position and many don’t. This is definitely a topic that creates many opinions!
Shelter Realty
Posted at 01:32h, 03 FebruaryMy main business is property management. I do receive more rental inquiries from Realtor.com than any other site, except for Craigslist. I use Postlets.com, which syndicates to Zillow and I get about 1 to 2 inquiries a month from Zillow for my rental properties. This is the same amount of inquiries I get from hotpads.com which has no where near the amount of traffic as Zillow.
You’re right, most Realtors aren’t happy with Realtor.com but as a Realtor, one way or another, I have to pay dues. It’s bad enough I am paying dues to an organization/site that Move.com made my competitor, so why would I promote another competitor like Zillow? That doesn’t make much sense.
In my opinion, the arrangement NAR made with Move.com was not in the best interest of Realtors but that’s a whole different topic.
I’m sure Zillow is a great tool for consumers, but as a Realtor, I wouldn’t recommend the site to any consumer or client. If there was a resource that I couldn’t provide with my site, I would send them to Realtor.com. Many agents agree with my position and many don’t. This is definitely a topic that creates many opinions!
Amy Bohutinsky
Posted at 18:10h, 02 FebruaryHi there – it’s Amy from Zillow. Just wanted to clarify that the 15.7 Million unique visitors in January is just for Zillow and doesn’t include Yahoo! Real Estate. But you are right that our partnership with Yahoo! massively extends the number of people Zillow advertisers can reach – local ads on Zillow soon will also run on Yahoo! REal Estate, and listings on Zillow span across both sites.
Shelter Realty
Posted at 00:04h, 03 FebruaryWell if that’s the case, that’s pretty amazing!
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Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.
Posted at 23:33h, 04 FebruaryI wish zillow stops allowing a small group of users from being able to break policy and cyber bully others.