Zolve Slashes Prices
I’ve been on vacation the past few days, so maybe I missed the announcement. But there is no sign of it on the Zolve Blog…
It seems upstart Zolve.com, a “referral network” (my term, not theirs) has slashed their membership price from $395 per year to $34.95 per year.
Since the price seemed to be one of the main areas of concern around the RE.net, I’m surprised there wasn’t some announcement on the Zolve site, the Zolve blog, or elsewhere for that matter.
But then again, I might have missed it…
Drew Meyers
Posted at 15:59h, 22 OctoberAdditionally, I’m glad to see Brian got his developers to turn off auto-play introduction video.
Michael Price
Posted at 08:53h, 23 OctoberThis represents a major shift in the overall business model for Zolve. Overcoming the price objection was tough. Unfortunately I don’t think it will be any easier to move to a mass adoption model. The only way to find out is to test the waters. The jury is still out on whether or not social media tools are important enough to r.e. professionals to subscribe to a pay-to-play model. In my opinion the site’s success is going to require some more creative revenue streams and a strong consumer facing side.
Maureen Francis
Posted at 17:32h, 25 OctoberThat kind of shift in pricing is worse than most of my listings in Metro Detroit. :->
Clearly the old prices weren’t working. MP is right. It is a shift in a business model. Personally, this wired in tech geek Realtor is totally social networked out. The thought of actually paying money to be rated is, well… Let’s just say it is an idea before it’s time.
Posted at 05:52h, 15 Decembervery interesting, but I don’t agree with you