RE.Net ResultsSaturday morning started out like any other for me. Groggy with my coffee in hand, I checked my e-mail. David Gibbons had forwarded me a link to the now infamous “Leave Realtors Alone” video. I remember thinking to myself how it capped off a great week. The video starred Aaron Anglin, the younger brother of Lani Anglin of ReRevealed.Com and SinglePointe Realty. Tragically, Aaron has passed away due to an auto accident that his wife and two infant children were also involved in. The babies have been released from the hosiptal and Aaron’s wife Aleshia is recovering, more details can be found here.

The RE.Net has rallied around Lani and Aaron’s family. Aaron did not have life insurance. Those poor girls facing a life without their father and husband is something hard for me to wrap my mind around. I have three daughters and my eyes literally well up every time I think about this.

We at GeekEstate would like our readers to do what they can to help. Jay Thompson has created a donation method via pay-pal that will allow you to give what you can with your credit card.

Via this web post, I am donating for auction a black 30 Gig iPod and Leather Case, in brand new condition. Bidding starts at $175. I plan to personally deliver the winning auction funds along with a donation from MLBroadcast to Aaron’s family in Austin. Bidding closes at 5 pm central time on Wednesday. To bid, just leave your offer in a comment to this post along with your contact information. Everyone at GeekEstateBlog appreciates your attention and generosity.

Update 9/26: Funeral arrangements can be found here.

Update 9/26: The winning bidder for the iPod has asked to remain anonymous and is sending the funds directly to the Anglin family. This effort is an example of social networking at its finest. If you didn’t get a chance to get in on the iPod auction, you can still donate by clicking the button above. On behalf of everyone at the GeekEstate blog, thanks for stepping up! ~MP