CentroPalm announces today the release of a new smart phone priced at $99.99. The Centro is a slick new phone that is surprisingly very feature rich. It comes in a choice of red or black, supports the 3G networks for a fast broadband internet connection, has an expansion slot for a memory card, a 1.3 megapixel camera and infrared technology. As far as I know, it should support GE’s E-Key lock box system because it runs on the standard Palm OS system. There are a few drawbacks. The Centro does not have Wi-Fi support, the screen is small and service is only available through Sprint.

I’m pretty sure you’ll see this phone become the most popular amongst Realtors due to the E-Key access, and the fact that it’s cheap. Video should function well with the built in features or a plug-in. My recommendation if you have this phone and want to show your listing videos would be to download them directly to a memory card . The video will be much sharper and you won’t have to establish a connection to the web to present it. The Centro is available through pre-order at the Palm web site. This Christmas you’ll be able to gauge your naughty or nice factor when you look in your stocking. If it’s an iPhone you were probably very good this year. If it’s a Centro you were just O.K. If you were really bad you might get one the phones I found over at Ken’s blog.eyePhonE