My name is John Womeldorf and I have been working in residential real estate in the Williamsburg and Hampton Roads Va area for about nine years now. Prior to real estate I spent 15 years in the wholesale floral distribution business as a supplier to Costco , Whole Foods and numerous other retailers.

I have had a Word Press site since 2009 at that averages 30k visitors a month. The problem is that most of those visitors are simply reading about area events and not real estate — as a result, my conversion is minimal.

I feel I need to deploy a new niche site more clearly focused on real estate in the area. I created a brand (Mr Williamsburg) but the current website runs on Point2 and is horrible.

The new site will focus simply on neighborhoods in the area and their amenities. Consumers want details and in depth coverage of places they are considering for a home purchase.

My knowledge of real estate websites has been assisted with multiple RE Bar Camps, two trips to Inman Connect, and following a number of blogs written by industry leaders.

I’m looking forward to participating in this project and look forward to working with the Geek Estate community to build a fantastic site.


  • Redesign or New: To Be Determined
  • Geographic Focus: Williamsburg, VA

Question for the Geek Estate Community:

Given that Mr Williamsburg is my primary brand, should my primary domain be Or should I 301 redirect that domain to and simply redesign that site with the new branding in mind?

Note from the Editor: Not sure what Geek Build 2012 is? It’s building a few real estate websites from scratch publicly with the help of the Geek Estate Community and overseen by an experienced steering committeeRead more about Geek Build 2012 here, or view all posts related to Geek Build 2012 here.

**Geek Build logo designed by Dominic Morrocco at M Squared Real Estate.