Drew’s post of Matt Dollinger’s video on Web 2.0 paralysis by analysis made me think back to how I have adapted technology and whether it has affected my business in any way over the past year.

My initial foray into social networking definitely consumed more time away from my business than it should have but I now block out time before or after the work day to jump on Twitter. Despite the learning curve that took precious time away from work, I’ve learned a ton about building a business and integrating technology into it by using social media.

Using Twitter I:

  • Became a recurring attendee of Lucky Strike Social Media Club meetings run by the already (in)famous Rob Hahn (aka Notorious R.O.B.) It’s not technology per se but we all talk about geeky stuff over dinner in Manhattan. I first met Rob and learned about LSSMC through Twitter.
  • Started using Freshbooks and the unrelated but equally useful BookFresh. The latter of the two was recommended to me by @jasonsandquist who has already picked up a few clients with it.
  • Discovered who Gary Vaynerchuk was. Seriously, I had never heard of him but people I follow kept writing to @garyvee so I investigated. His latest business book is awesome. The vook (videos + book) [iTunes Link] is even better. Buy both, it’s worth it for the business building plan of attack alone but be warned — it’ll motivate the hell out of you.
  • Brought a new buyer client to contract (closing in April 2010, new home) on our first tour. My client didn’t use my IDX to submit his contact info but he did register to receive @mikesimonsen‘s Altos Research market reports on my website. Didn’t know these automated market reports existed before but now I’m a customer for life. Thanks to @ericstegemann for recommending Altos to me!
  • Learned more from and met some of the most brilliant people in our industry including @1000wattmarc, Marc Davison; @topbrokerOC, Bob Watson; @sueadler; Sue Adler; @jolenta, Jolenta Averill, and @ericbramlett, Eric Bramlett. The countless things I’ve learned from each of them have significantly impacted how and, most importantly, why I run my business.

Definitely check out Matt’s video because he nails it when he talks about not allowing technology and social media to consume your business. Business should always come before experimenting. Now that we’re approaching the traditionally slower winter months of real estate I think now would be a good time for some experimenting. 🙂

New to Twitter and don’t know where to start? Check out @nik_nik‘s Twitter guide: Twitter For Real Estate Twits.