Adobe Systems has finally unveiled it’s online photo editing and sharing application, dubbed Photoshop Express. According to Adobe, what you’ll see promises pushes the boundaries of web based applications to new limits. The application is free to use and even includes 2 gigs of online storage. The app will require Flash 9 to be installed and was built from the ground up by Adobe engineers using Adobe’s Flex Development Framework. Adobe plans to provide an offline client using AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime). The AIR app will allow people to work offline with images.  I’ve seen several comparisons to that of Google’s Picasa service. I have not personally tested Picasa because I am a Mac user and Picasa requires a windows based install to work.

I think an easy to use, free, platform independent tool for managing digital photos will be a real plus for the real estate industry. I’d love to give you a few screen shots and a more in depth review, however, as of writing this post I am still awaiting my verification e-mail from Adobe to activate my account. Looks like there are quite a few people in the queue to try out Express. As soon as I’ve had a chance to work with it a bit, I will come back and update this post. If you’ve tried it out, let us know what you think of it!