[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: TestFit.]

With 90% of drawn buildings never getting built, feasibility analysis is one of the biggest expenses in the conceptualization of building design. Embracing a data-driven approach, TestFit’s algorithms and co-creation tools help developers, architects, and urban planners to solve multifamily, garden apartment, industrial, hotel, or parking site plans in seconds. Self-described as The Ultimate Building Configurator, its product allows customers to change their unit mix, road layout, and parking configurations on the fly in 3D for instant deal iteration.

Here new buildings are populated to give a general model of the new development and the surrounding area.


By changing the layout of the roads, architects can see added units to the property.

For a more in depth look, check out this demo video.

Current integrations in TestFlight’s growing ecosystem include Enscape, which enables production of high quality visualization, Cove.tool that generates energy use intensity, and TT Core Studio to automate parking garage structural layout.

What we like: Generating the financial optimal layout for new developments through constant iterations on the fly by utilizing AI with fewer manual interactions is a clear win. And, getting developers, general contractors and architects all on the same page with net income and firm pricing is a path to network effects.

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