dripping-tap-258x300Drip email campaigns seem to be one of the big marketing ideas agents are using these days… Agents are actually taking the users that are signing up on their websites to receive new listing email alerts of new properties and placing them on a drip email campaign. Isn’t sending the user something they really didn’t sign up to get, considered SPAM? Aren’t the actual new listing updates dripping on them enough (something they actually signed up for)?

Is this just another way for agents to avoid actually making contact with the person to see if they can help them? Wouldn’t it be better to actually contact them to see what you can do to help?  Maybe then you can ask them if they are interested in getting your weekly or monthly emails. That might be a better approach before you start spamming them with email letters of how great you are and what an expert you are.

hawaii-spamI also wonder how many of the users receiving these annoying drip emails are actually hitting the spam button?  If enough Yahoo, MSN or AOL users hit their spam button instead of just deleting them, all the mail from that server will start going into that email providers spam. Is it really worth jeopardizing the daily email alerts of new properties going out? I would say it is not.

I would love to hear your thoughts.