Those of you that visit this site regularly probably already have a pretty good understanding of how link building works and the benefits that are associated with a link building campaign. The question is, are you getting the most bang for your buck with your current promotion techniques? There are literally thousands of different ways to build links. Some of you may prefer blog commenting, guest blogging, social bookmarking, link exchanges and even the old “ask and wait” technique. Regardless of the technique you choose, you may not be using one very valuable technique that has been proven to increase SERP positions time after time. I am referring to a linkwheel. Have you ever heard of one? A linkwheel? The term itself is relatively new and the method involves utilizing the power of web 2.0 properties to increase the link value of your own website. You can read more on the creators website here (sign-up required).

How Does a Linkwheel Work, Exactly? Well, they are actually quite simple. Picture a circle of web 2.0 properties surrounding your page. Each one of those properties not only adds link authority to the next property, but also to your webpage, creating a very powerful structure. You can change the websites that you use as often as you like. Using sites like Squidoo, HubPages, and so forth to drive valuable link juice into your websites.


What is so Special About this Technique? When I first heard about a linkwheel I really wasn’t very impressed, to say the least. In fact, I had already been using a number of these web properties to build links for my websites anyways. It wasn’t until I started to hear talk of how well this particular technique worked at increasing serps that I my ears perked up a bit. There were a number of webmasters praising the method. They were making claims of top 10 positions and more traffic. So I decided to give it a shot, after all, what would it hurt? I instantly began a small linkwheel for a moderately competitive search term on a page that was already in position #163 for that term. I completed the linkwheel within a couple of hours and a week later I checked my results. After only using a small linkwheel and waiting a week, my page moved from #163 to #47 without doing anything else. That is pretty impressive for only a couple hours worth of work. Were I to use a larger linkwheel structure, I would have probably taken over the top 10 right away.

There is a lot of buzz going around the webmaster forums and I encourage you to look more into the creation and benefits of a linkwheel. This is certainly another great technique that every webmaster should have in their toolbox! Have fun building value for all of your online projects!