About Colleen Corgan

My name is Colleen Corgan and I am the Marketing Coordinator at hotpads.com. HotPads is a free, map-based rental housing search engine.

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MapMyPix AIR Application

MapMyPix AIR Application

Doug McCune (the Flex Master) teamed up with the folks over at Universal Mind to develop an interesting and useful system for displaying photos on a map. Their MapMyPix AIR application allows real estate professionals (and everyone else) to display series of photographs in their…

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I'm a Geek, too

I'm a Geek, too

I must confess that I was both thrilled and surprised when I was asked to be a contributor to the GeekEstate blog. Sure, I’m involved in real estate, work at an early-stage internet company, and I love blogging, but am I really a geek? Well,…

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