About Mike Mueller

Mike is a former Mortgage Banker, Mortgage Broker turned "Tech Geek" who specializes in Social Media Consulting. He is a builder of engaging Custom Facebook Business Pages, blogs and social media engagement plans for his clients. Mike writes AreWeConnected.com, a blog dealing with social media and technology as it pertains towards real estate. He publishes articles in the San Francisco Examiner and the BusinessWeek Exchange. AreWeConnected is listed in Alltop and ranked by AdAge. He has been interviewed and quoted in articles for BankRate, Scripps, the San Jose Mercury News and others, (including the front page of The Wall Street Journal for writing mortgage related Haikus)

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Thesis broke my WP 3.0!

Thesis broke my WP 3.0!

Or was it the other way around? photo credit: thisisbossi Ether way if you clicked that highly seductive “automatic upgrade” and installed 3.0 over your Thesis theme you may now have issues. Ive seen some where the blog won’t load. I’ve seen some where various…

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REBarCamp in a Wine Bar?

REBarCamp in a Wine Bar?

That’s where REBarCamp Sacramento was held. When Tamara Dorris reached out to me asking if it was possible to put together a REBarCamp in a month I said sure!  I told he I would be happy to build and host the Blog, build the Facebook…

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Facebook throws a scare at the small business owner

Facebook throws a scare at the small business owner

Once upon a time…  as in yesterday The mighty Facebook decided in it’s infinite wisdom to eliminate the ability for a Facebook Page to set a landing tab for new visitors.  This is critical to many page owners as the preferred landing tab can convert…

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REBarCamp Phoenix and Foursquare

REBarCamp Phoenix and Foursquare

photo credit: Sirinyay If you are coming to REBarCamp/Phoenix, (and why not?) here’s your chance to connect with others on the increasingly popular social network http://foursquare.com Personally, I joined a while back and then didn’t do anything with it.  Since SXSW I’ve been experimenting with different…

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How to AutoFollow Everyone and still pay attention

How to AutoFollow Everyone and still pay attention

The following is just my personal opinion.  How you use Twitter is entirely up to you and as far as I’m concerned, you are right. With that said, assuming you are in sales, or in the “engagement” business I believe in the AutoFollow.  I set…

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