About Robbie Paplin

Robbie Paplin is the founder of Caffeinated Software, a company which focuses its efforts on developing cutting edge IDX systems for real estate professionals in the NWMLS service area. Robbie was among the first IDX developers in the nation to implement AJAX based mapping tools, RSS feeds of MLS/IDX search queries, automated listing feed processes for the major real estate web portals, and other innovations. Additionally, Robbie is a Contributing Editor on the popular Seattle-based real estate blog, Rain City Guide. It is where he has earned a reputation as a leading advocate of MLS data standards and how real estate professionals can exploit technology to the advantage of themselves and their clients. Previously, Robbie was a Software Design Engineer at Microsoft for over 10 years, where he worked on popular applications such as Outlook Web Access and SharePoint.

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Make your own Zillow Mortgage widget using ASP.net & C#

Make your own Zillow Mortgage widget using ASP.net & C#

The last time I posted on Geek Estate, I wrote about how to use the Trulia API from a PHP page. Since watching mortgage rates fall is a lot more fun than watching home prices fall, I decided to implement a simple widget that uses…

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Surprise! It’s me and the Trulia API in PHP

Surprise! It’s me and the Trulia API in PHP

When Drew told me of GeekEstate, I was told I could blog about anything geeky & real estate related. He said I could even blog about the Trulia API, if I wanted to. So I decided to take him up on the offer. In the…

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