About Spencer Rascoff

CEO of Zillow.com, one of the largest real estate websites. I grew up in New York and then Los Angeles. Went to college in Boston and then back to New York, before moving to San Francisco and then Seattle.

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The Importance of Strategic Distribution

The Importance of Strategic Distribution

[Note from the editor: This article is re-posted from Spencerrascoff.com & Spencer’s Active Rain blog. Given the recent listing syndication discussion, I thought it would be relevant to the Geek Estate Community] It’s a new year, so what better time to take on a controversial…

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A Quick and Easy Tool for Turning E-mail Signatures into Outlook Contacts

A Quick and Easy Tool for Turning E-mail Signatures into Outlook Contacts

For those of you who are constantly turning e-mail signatures into Outlook Contacts, I found a cool piece of software you can utilize — Anagram 2.1. Today, I recorded a quick video post (here’s my 1st video post comparing the iPhone to the BlackBerry) explaining…

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iPhone vs BlackBerry — How They Compare from the Perspective of a Former BlackBerry Addict

iPhone vs BlackBerry — How They Compare from the Perspective of a Former BlackBerry Addict

I’ve been a BlackBerry addict for the last 5 years, but converted to the iPhone last week. Here is a video post with my thoughts on how the two devices compare after 5 days using the iPhone (talking to the camera was easier and quicker…

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I am a Time Management Junkie

I am a Time Management Junkie

It’s true — I am a time management junkie. I have to be, since I literally have two jobs at Zillow — CFO and Vice-president of Marketing. Drew asked me to blog about how I keep my head screwed on straight, so here goes. First…

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World's First Live Holographic Video Feed from California to India

World's First Live Holographic Video Feed from California to India

I love this futuristic stuff, though it seems to take so long for it to go mainstream. I know that in my office, we don’t even use webcams – it’s still all about conference calls, same as 20 years ago. Still, someday, this will be…

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