Is your business sailing along smoothly? Free from competition or challenges? If you’re in real estate (and truthfully – any business) then the answer is likely no. Not only no, but not anymore and probably not ever again. The real estate landscape has changed, and the only constant now – is change; more change, bigger change, and faster change. Real estate is a highly competitive industry which has turned upside down several times in the last few years. Our new reality is that – anything is possible.

What will it take for consumers to love you, advocate for you, refer you, and engage with you? It won’t take vanity, a sense of entitlement, or a know-it-all attitude. Tom Ferry says it takes; trustworthy brand, a hyper-local presence, online savviness, and a demonstrated ability to negotiate (a future topic in the #MBAre series).

What I present you with is an intangible, yet incredibly powerful concept to explore in addition to the items mentioned previously. It won’t hurt and it won’t cost you a dime.

Make People Matter. A professor of mine says “People volunteer their best thinking, their hearts, commitment, willingness to adapt…or not“.

Paul Spiegalman totally transformed the way I thought about company culture in a talk he gave last fall. Tom is the CEO and founder of The Beryl Companies which operates a call center for the hospital industry. It’s consistently ranked a “best places to work” has enjoyed a 95% client retention rate and a 400% lower employee turnover rate than competitors (leaving them in the dust). People love working for Beryl. They’re doing incredible things to encourage employee engagement. We’ll explore some of the ways they’re doing this, but I know that Paul will simply tell you: they put their people first.

Technology changes, vendors go out of business, marketing mediums shift, and budgets grow or shrink. But people remain constant. A positive culture attracts positive people who are willing to tackle the challenges of today and solve the problems of tomorrow. Culture also attracts customers. Are your people excited about what they are doing? Are you excited? This is the foundation of any great business. Think more like Google and Zappos and less like American Airlines (nice article here by Paul).

Empower your people (and yourself) to be their best and they will surprise you. They will surprise themselves too. Stay ordinary – and your results will be ordinary (or worse).

Forget for a moment about Zillow, about blogging, about your website, about social media.

Lead your business like the future depends on it. Because it does.


Note from author: This is part 1 of a series of posts related to my experience in the MBA program at TCU in Fort Worth. Learn more here. Topic 1: Managing People