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What real estate CRM's can learn from Highrise

What real estate CRM's can learn from Highrise

It seems there are as many real estate crm providers out there as agents in the business. A quick google search for the phrase real estate crm returned over 30,000,000 results! With so many companies competing for the same customers you would think several players…

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Best-in-Class Real Estate Service Needs Customer Relationship Management

Best-in-Class Real Estate Service Needs Customer Relationship Management

Best-in-class real estate customer experiences need Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Successful CRM implementations don’t start with software, though. The process is equally, if not more, important than the solution you choose. CRM starts with a deep understanding of who your customers are and what they…

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Will Someone Please Solve the CRM Problem in 2011?

Will Someone Please Solve the CRM Problem in 2011?

I don’t think I’m alone in thinking the real estate industry really needs a drop dead simple customer relationship management tool that works and is usable by anyone (even non techies). While speaking to agents over the past couple weeks about our new predesigned websites (update: now…

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