Startups: Apply to Realogy FWD
Realogy’s innovation summit, FWD, is coming up again. The application deadline is May 1. Startups: Apply now.
Realogy’s innovation summit, FWD, is coming up again. The application deadline is May 1. Startups: Apply now.
Certainly there is no shortage of money in the technology sector, and that’s growing rather than shrinking. Real estate agents and brokers want to reach relocation clients moving to town for those extremely high-paying jobs. I wrote about being the “start-up agent” in 2013. It’s still…
[Editor’s Note: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post.] The story behind how a tech company gets its start often intrigues people. The three founders at HomeZada are passionate and driven second time entrepreneurs and believe that many good…
I often hear from readers that they love the geeky startup stuff (like this) I write from my own experience with Oh Hey World / Horizon. So here’s another one of those. I came across Kipo tonight via a posting inside a Facebook group I…
Some of you may have seen Open Listings, part of the current Y Combinator batch. The TechCrunch headline: YC-Backed Open Listings Enables Home Buyers To Purchase Houses Without Real Estate Agents Yeah, that’s not going to go over too well with the industry. But that’s…
[Disclosure: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post. That said, HomeZada did not have any editorial say over this article; all opinions and words are my own.] I get pitched a lot of products. Many of them are just slightly…
Those that read this blog regularly know I’ve been working on a startup in the travel industry for quite awhile. In fact, the startup journey has included two completely separate travel apps (under same legal umbrella) – Horizon, and previously Oh Hey World. It’s been a long road,…
I came across Realtyps this weekend. It’s yelp for real estate properties. My hunch is it’s a reaction to Jason Calacanis’ RFP (request for prototype) for brutal real estate reviews. What do you think? Will enough buyers review properties to make it useful? I’d be…
For the entrepreneurs reading, note that NAR’s REach incubator is taking applications until March 15. <div id=”createpress” style=”text-align: center;”><a href=””>Apply Now</a></div>
Those that have been reading this blog a long time may remember the post I wrote about the history of the home (all the way back in 2012). That’s more or less the opportunity HomeZada sees as well. They recently launched for consumers. I’ve spent some time…
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