I’d urge you to read Mark Schaufer’s post: Content Shock: Why content marketing is not a sustainable strategy.

There is a LOT of content on the web, with more and more created every single day. How do you stand out? Are you writing amazing content that people truly care about, or just adding to the crap online? How much does it cost you? How many people does it reach? How many people will that same content reach a year or two from now? Those are all questions you should be asking yourselves.

While I don’t think content marketing is going away, I do agree that content marketing is not a sustainable strategy for many. The people and brands with money for an extended period of time will come out on top, and the rest will be forced to buy their way into the equation with ads (though technically everyone buys their way into the game with either content creation time/$$ or money). The only defensible strategy to success in real estate, or any other industry, is delivering great service day in, day out, and nurturing a community of raving fans.