Cozy Pay = Brilliant
Cozy (previous coverage) released Cozy Pay…
How it works:
Set up your monthly payments
No more worrying about how to get your rent to your landlord every month. Just connect your checking account and tell us where your payment should go.
We’ll take care of paying your landlord
Once you’re set up, your landlord can sign up to receive your rent easily via an electronic deposit. Otherwise, we’ll mail your landlord a check drawn against your checking account.
We’ll keep you in the loop
Every month, we’ll send emails to let you and your landlord know when your rent’s on the way. You can stop your payments at anytime.
Those of you who rent, KNOW this is a brilliant product. I rent, and my landlords won’t accept Paypal or digital payments (which is annoying) — so I have to mail a check every month. My landlords aren’t alone.
Could this be the next acquisition for Zillow Group? Perhaps, but Cozy Pay is just the sort of differentiated approach (given they are building rental tenant profiles that show proof of payment) that the Zillow’s of the world will be hard pressed to replicate long term. Meaning Cozy actually has the product and execution chops to beat them in the rentals market. Only time will tell.
Well done, Cozy, well done. More entrepreneurs need to be executing at this level.
Posted at 02:16h, 20 MayI use Cozy for a tenant of a property that I own as a beta test of the product to be able to get the tenant to have auto ACH transfers take place, and have been mostly happy with it. It would be great if a product like this got paired up with Landlord management features that helped you deal with the other aspects of managing a property. I wouldn’t call it “brilliant,” but it does add some convenience.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:41h, 21 MayThe brilliant part is it will be used by renters to get Cozy’s product in front of landlords.
Peter Liem
Posted at 08:41h, 22 Mayas a small time residential landlord, I love the idea I can manage all my rental collections in one place.
as a tenant (commercial) I already used my bank bill pay (Capital One) to send check to my landlord automatically every month. If they want to capture/acquire more tenant users, they will need to offer more value then just bill pay. #2cents
Posted at 00:51h, 21 AugustI disagree. Software that does one thing, and one thing great, can be highly successful. It’s not about offering more services as it is about covering all the use-cases where someone might need to pay rent. If they can do that and then allow for simple integration into other software systems then it could have a very bright future.