A few weeks back, Drew Meyers and I had discussed how many technology ventures are exciting and groundbreaking, but they don’t necessarily solve a specific problem that the average real estate professional is facing.  These “solutions looking for a problem” often languish in terms of use and profitability because they don’t fit into a pre-defined niche.

We thought it would be interesting to hear about your “Day to Day Pain Points”.  For now, it’s just a discussion on the simple items in your everyday business that either:

  • You struggle to get done
  • You know could be done more quickly and efficiently
  • You just hate to do yourself
  • You see as a choke point or unnecessary strain on your otherwise successful business

My team’s business won’t match the average agent or broker’s need profile because we’re mostly involved in buyer-side transactions from internet leads.  But, to start the conversation, here are a few issues that we deal with on a regular basis, and may have found products that claim to help through them but haven’t found the silver bullet yet:

  • Creating a valuable, low-cost follow-up plan for long-term relocation buyers, with some automation but no cookie-cutter drip campaigns
  • Explaining the listing display process from agent to MLS to syndication without bludgeoning a buyer with boring information
  • Explaining the value of buyer agency to an early-process buyer who is just starting to browse homes, without sounding preachy
  • Hiring assistants who know the local area and market somewhat, and are motivated to convert clients but not sell homes

These are probably very different than some of your pain points, but give us 2 or 3 in the comment section, and let’s see if there are a number of issues that seem widespread across the industry.