I was just reading Ricardo’s post over on the Diverse Solution blog about XML sitemaps. And I wanted to debunk a myth I’ve heard numerous times from agents across the country about XML sitemaps for everyone reading.

XML sitemaps will NOT help you improve your SEO rankings.

Let me say that again slightly differently.

XML sitemaps are not a tool to boost your SEO rankings.

In fact, this myth is #4 on a list of 36 SEO myths from Chris Smith, Rand Fishkin, and Eric Enge.

Having an XML Sitemap will boost your Google rankings. I just heard this one from a fellow panelist in an SEO session at a conference I presented at within the last month (I won’t mention who, or which show.) This made me cringe, but I bit my lip rather than embarrass and contradict them in front of the audience. Should I have spoken up? Did I do the audience a disservice by leaving this myth unchallenged? I struggled with that. In any event, Google will use your sitemaps file for discovery and potentially as a canonicalization hint if you have duplicate content. It won’t give a URL any more “juice” just because you include it in your sitemaps.xml, even if you assign a high priority level to it.

What’s the next myth you want me to debunk?