Domo Arigato Mr. Animoto!
Ok, the #1 reason Brokers hire me, is because I possess the rare ability to translate “Geek Speak” into English! #2 is, I can spend 8 hrs reading all the coolest Blogs on the Internet and decipher what cool new tool has some relevance to our industry! Well, my friends I picked up a ton of “Cool Tools” in my Monday Google Reader, the one I will talk about today is called…Animoto! (Which is Japenese me money!)
This FREE tool, in my opinion, allows the Real Estate Agent to design and distribute their own Video/Virtual tour and it includes background music! All you need is a computer and the pictures of your Listing (if you don’t have multiple pics of your Listing, STOP reading this Blog, and GO TAKE EM!)
Virtual Tours have been a staple on most Listings now for years, and because of gas prices, have become increasingly more expensive. Some have reached the $199 status. Well now, you can do it yourself; for FREE in about 15 minutes. Animoto will then generate a code and a link that you can use for the MLS and/or your website to display the Video. They also offer “Push Button” ability to upload it to a variety of Video sites, Blog sites, and Social Networking sites….YOU GOTTA TRY THIS!
Well “Moppets”, as always, I prefer to keep it short and sweet! I want you to go play with this “Cool Tool” and then decide for yourself (or, if you’re married, let your wife decide!).
See ya next time!
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