dsIDXpress is Available in BETA
Last night, Diverse Solutions announced their dsIDXpress wordpress plugin is now available in BETA. Their demo site can be seen HERE, and if you want to be a BETA tester, you can sign up here. From what I have seen and heard, this seems like an awesome and long overdue IDX WordPress plugin that has been needed for awhile in the real esate industry with so many websites now being built entirely on the WordPress platform.
I’ll leave it to someone who has actually tested the plugin to share their thoughts and first hand experience…(*hint* *hint*)
yerba mate tea
Posted at 22:25h, 23 DecemberHi,
What I think this really means is that the days when IDX works as an effective lead capture tool are actually coming to a close. Spiderability doesn’t seem like it’ll be such a big deal anymore when everybody’s hip and got it implemented.
Posted at 16:34h, 28 DecemberMore open source plugins / extensions will become available from other IDX system providers!
To my knowledge this is the first open source cms plugin / extension to be available from a mainstream IDX vendor, but hopefully not the last. If you've read my reviews of the other IDX solution providers that offer a search engine friendly IDX system (eg. the type that allow listings to get indexed) you would know that most are a bit expensive and they all require you to use their own website/blog platform / cms. And though this is acceptable for some, allowing for the same SEO benefits to be available to you via an open source cms such as WordPress is an undeniable great first step in the right direction for many. I'll even take it a step further and say that this is the best direction for any IDX company to take and here's why:
We all win with a tight integration of IDX systems and open source cms's!
* Longtail searching home buyers will find more relevant results from their online home searching
* Open source cms's empower agents and brokers and are key factors in yielding longterm positive ROI
* Joomla! and/or WordPress often create better internet marketing options for real estate agents and brokers
* The open source development community can now be tapped as potential resellers or channel partners for IDX vendors to help with sales and marketing
* IDX vendors could focus more sharply on development efforts ultimately resulting in better products & solutions for agents and brokers
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Do you think other IDX vendors will follow suit? If so, who? I have my own ideas…what are yours.
Posted at 00:34h, 29 DecemberMore open source plugins / extensions will become available from other IDX system providers!
To my knowledge this is the first open source cms plugin / extension to be available from a mainstream IDX vendor, but hopefully not the last. If you've read my reviews of the other IDX solution providers that offer a search engine friendly IDX system (eg. the type that allow listings to get indexed) you would know that most are a bit expensive and they all require you to use their own website/blog platform / cms. And though this is acceptable for some, allowing for the same SEO benefits to be available to you via an open source cms such as WordPress is an undeniable great first step in the right direction for many. I'll even take it a step further and say that this is the best direction for any IDX company to take and here's why:
We all win with a tight integration of IDX systems and open source cms's!
* Longtail searching home buyers will find more relevant results from their online home searching
* Open source cms's empower agents and brokers and are key factors in yielding longterm positive ROI
* Joomla! and/or WordPress often create better internet marketing options for real estate agents and brokers
* The open source development community can now be tapped as potential resellers or channel partners for IDX vendors to help with sales and marketing
* IDX vendors could focus more sharply on development efforts ultimately resulting in better products & solutions for agents and brokers
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Do you think other IDX vendors will follow suit? If so, who? I have my own ideas…what are yours.