Mark Zuckerberg
Once upon a time…  as in yesterday The mighty Facebook decided in it’s infinite wisdom to eliminate the ability for a Facebook Page to set a landing tab for new visitors.  This is critical to many page owners as the preferred landing tab can convert the casual visitor to what was formerly called Fans, now called “Like”.

This was not the case for every page, if you happened to have over 10,000 “likes” (fans) you could still set your tabs… <yeah, right>

Upon hearing the news, virtually the entire community of page owners started gathering in the town square with torches and pitchforks threatening to storm Castle Facebook.

“How could Facebook do this?”

“The company is run by twenty year olds – what do they know?”

“They are killing small business!  They are killing MY business!”

The whole world was obviously coming to an end.  Chicken Little was right.  A bitter darkness reigned throughout the land.

But then at sunrise, for some unknown reason, the powers decided to reverse their decision and all is back to the way it was.

It’s a miracle!  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and page owners across the land are setting their landing tabs.

And somewhere, Mark Zuckerberg is chuckling to himself as he decides what to mess with next.

The Moral of the Story (every story has to have a moral right?)

What can we learn from this near death experience?   Facebook is not your sandbox, it’s his.  He’s allowing you to play for a while.  It’s his rules.  If he wants to pick up his pail and shovel and go home, he can – anytime.  If you are a small business owner you have the obligation to own your own stuff.  Don’t use Facebook as your website.  Don’t use Facebook as your blog.  Own your own blog, own your own website.  Write your articles there, then share them on Facebook.  It might be the best tool in your toolbox but shouldn’t be the only one.

Disclosure: I build custom tabs and upon hearing the news was seriously wondering where all my business was going to go.  This morning I contrived a workable solution to the problem – just in case Mark decides once again to mess with something.

How are you protecting yourself?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Crunchies2009