Finding Clients the Perfect Home, Efficiently
There’s a lot of “crap” to wade through when searching for a home.
Over the years, I’ve had many many conversations with folks in the industry (both brokerages & vendors) working on approaches to more efficiently find buyers the perfect home online.
But here’s the thing.
What if, heaven forbid, that’s not actually a problem in need of solving?
What if buyers don’t want you to find them the perfect home? What if they actually enjoy looking at tons and tons of houses? What if THEY want to determine what the perfect home is?
I often tell people real estate and travel are very similar industries. Travel planning has a similar dynamic. Many techies who travel constantly are driven crazy by the inefficiency of finding information — and build products/companies to solve that personal pain. In all honesty, most people actually enjoy travel planning. It’s not a “problem” for the general population.
Say a buyer finds your website. Say you somehow show them the perfect house/listing within the first property or two they look at.
When you’re spending $200,000, $600,000 — or even $1,500,000 — do you honestly believe a buyer would be thinking… “This home is perfect, there’s no need to look at any other homes, no need for comparisons, let’s go get a mortgage and buy the house“.
I just can’t imagine buyers doing that…can you?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 18:53h, 27 AprilExcellent points.
There really is no perfect home until you understand the market and that takes time exploring a good website.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:57h, 02 MayHow many homes would you say the average buyer looks at?
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 09:58h, 02 MayI am not sure but if I had to guess I would say they look at 4 to 5 homes with us. Many start by looking at Open Houses before they even contact us.
Vikas Nagpal
Posted at 13:45h, 30 AprilStructure your Canadian and U.S. financial assets to maximize
growth and minimize tax all within the context of an integrated
cross-border estate plan.