There was a recent article on Inman, stating that $1B has been invested in the real estate sector — and listed many of the startups that had attracted venture capital, and some of the firms behind them.

Related, an entrepreneur asked me the other day which people or firms he should reach out to if he goes down the path of raising capital.

The point being, finding potential investors and closing capital is a large challenge for many real estate entrepreneurs.

As a founder in the real estate vertical, where should you start your search?

It’s no secret, your best investor leads will come from investors who already know and trust you, or from investors who you get introduced to by from existing trusted friends.


It’s also no secret, that most entrepreneurs don’t have a large network of connections of wealthy investors to tap.

There is, of course, Second Century Ventures, which is the investment arm of the National Association of Realtors.

Aside from that, I would focus on speaking to the venture firms that have backed other real estate tech startups. You can find those investors by using Crunchinator (prior coverage).

Sorry, I don’t have all the answers. Happy fundraising!