Geek Build 2012 IDX Review #3 – Displet
When I decided to redesign my Colorado Springs real estate site, I didn’t realize it would take as long as it did. I demo’ed pretty much every web design & IDX product on the market, and ultimately landed on Displet. When making my IDX decision, there were a few “must haves” that Displet met, which is why I chose them:
- The IDX had to integrate well into a custom website. I wanted the ability to heavily integrate the IDX into the site through a quick search, featured listings, and most importantly, targeted landing pages. Today’s internet browser/consumer are Internet savvy and certainly have the ability to recognize the exact same template with a different color, which is why it was extremely important to me that my site stand out.
- Customize the look of the idx: this seemed to be the hardest to find. Again I wanted to have the ability to change most everything when it came to how the information of the listings was displayed. I was determined not to have exact same look as everyone else out there, minus the logo. This was a big one to me, this is where the browser spends the vast majority of the time and more importantly this is where the lead capture point is. Control and the ability to change the search criteria, search layout, the list (results) page and details page was extremely important to me. In most everything I found this could not be changed. I went with Displet’s “Pro Custom” solution, which meant they customized the system for me. Each of their systems seem to be very customizable but ultimately I went totally custom and let them do the actual work.
- I had to have an indexable idx solution. There is a lot of longtail traffic to be had through indexable listings. My SEO campaign is still in the very early stages, but I already see a decent amount of traffic for direct keyword searches & MLS number searches.
- A company who understands the real estate business. Sales and coding (techie) are two qualities that are not commonly found together. This is easily proven when you hit a commerce site and go “whhhaat”, “why would I”, “where do I” or “how do I”. Though I am not Zig Ziglar I know the real estate industry and know lead capture as well as the sales process but unfortunately that information and process is tough to convey to someone that has never made prospecting calls (aka: tech people). It was obvious when I first inquired with Displet they understood that I ultimately wanted leads, and ultimately wanted sales. When I provide feedback or ask questions, they already speak the “real estate” language which is extremely refreshing.
I purchased a custom website from Displet, which includes their “Displet Pro Custom” IDX product (their “A” product customized by them.) We’ve been live for about a month, and this is what I’ve found:
The pros:
- System integrates into a custom WordPress design
- Customized idx
- Integrates very well with a WordPress site
- Ability to create great landing pages
- Extremely prompt and great communication
- Good guidance & tutorials
- Flexibility (crm choice, adding chat, API mapping, etc)
Note: I am sure there is more but this is what I was looking for.
The cons:
- Customizations sometimes created issues I didn’t anticipate, and then they would have to fix.
- Newish system. We ran into a bug after launch that had to be rectified.
- Backoffice is efficient but needs polish. Right now, I integrate with Realtiva to take care of this piece
Even though Displet was new I moved forward with them because of the four major pieces of criteria mentioned above and the fact that Eric and the whole group over there at Displet have been prompt, extremely knowledge and offered guidance through the whole process. In going custom with very limited (and no knowledge in many areas) this was critical.
We collectively share our dos and don’ts when it comes to call to actions, lead capture and conversion which is nice especially when you have the people running the company (making the decisions) actively participating in the discussions. I also love the videos. Each time they add a new feature (Facebook login, Googe+, etc) they have a two minute short video on how to implement the new feature…good stuff.
I have had a minor bug that they jumped on to correct but nothing critical. I certainly don’t want to incur these often but in order to have the ability to modify most anything (site, idx, etc) I can easily deal with an occasional glitch.
Case and point on customizble idx: I have not ramped up any seo on my part as of yet (still finishing my content) but I am getting some traffic, some minor keyword traffic but a great deal of longtail hits (addresses). I called Eric and we discussed how to capitalize and leverage this traffic that is landing on the detail pages. We agreed that this is different traffic than someone searching targeted keywords ( “real estate”) but we went into detail on identifying who this browser is and are now looking at how we can set up the appropriate call to action. Now an indexable idx offers some great benefits but this traffic is one of the first and biggest punches you will see and the great news is for the first time I will have ability to modify the idx portion to convert this and more traffic.
All in all, I’m very happy with my decision. We’re rolling out a modified version of the WordPress site & IDX theme on my Colorado Springs property management website. As the leads keep coming in and we start closing them, I anticipate investing more into the sites, possibly launching more sites, and likely working with Displet.
Note from the Editor: Not sure what Geek Build 2012 is? It’s building a few real estate websites from scratch publicly with the help of the Geek Estate Community and overseen by an experienced steering committee. Read more about Geek Build 2012 here, or view all posts related to Geek Build 2012 here.
**Geek Build logo designed by Dominic Morrocco at M Squared Real Estate.
Daniel Beer
Posted at 08:51h, 24 MarchTrace, what about your numbers now compared to the past? What kind of lead gen and traffic are you seeing?
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 19:08h, 18 JulyThis company took our initial $2500 and is now refusing to do the work and will not refund or return the money. We are pursuing legal action against Displet LLC! You will speak to Reuben who will make numerous promises of “The Best Coded Website” before sending you a Displet contract and wanting $2500 up front ####BEWARE#### do NOT put money down and do NOT sign the contract. They kept our money and refuse to finish our site. When we asked for refund or return of down payment they refused and will FORCE you to seek an attorney and legal action which will COST you BIG! Keep in mind, they are an LLC so if you do bring legal action against them, they are forced by law to be represented In a court of law by an attorney which means that you can also cost them money. We have spoken to ERIC BRAMLETT who is the owner and this gentleman has told us “We will not refund your money, hire an attorney & stop calling us.”
Drew Meyers
Posted at 19:14h, 18 JulyDouglas
There are two sides to every story. I don’t know the specifics of this case at all, but I have known Eric for a long time and he’s a straight shooter. I have experience in the real estate website design space as well, and have dealt with a broad array of clients. There are absolutely scenarios where it would make zero business sense to refund money or continue working with specific clients. Again, I’m not saying that’s the case with you. I’m saying I’ve personally dealt with people who fall into that camp in the past. I’m giving Eric the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 21:53h, 18 JulyDrew,
Eric (owner of Displet) is a crook in my opinion! This company has three active law suits filed and that’s without us yet filing ours (Monday Morning). Displet has 23 active complaints against them through their local BBB office and 4 settled. We paid $2500 as a down payment and today was day 1 where they draw a “Penciled Wired design” on a piece of paper. Reuben Adams told us verbatim “This is what you get with Displet when you order a custom website.” Then sent us to a link on their portfolio page to a really nice website. What Reuben forgot to mention is that Displet performs no SEO, no structured data, no images and no icons. When we brought this to the attention of Daniel he lied and even back tracked in email. We complained and now the word is this and I quote from Eric the owner “We are not refunding your $2500 and we are not finishing your site, hire an attorney and sue us.” Which is a clear breech of contract. DISPLET is a horrible company and a complete fraud in my opinion. Today was day one, I couldn’t imagine what day 31 would be like working with this company??
Eric Bramlett
Posted at 11:29h, 19 JulyHi Douglas –
The facts that you’ve stated here are outright lies. Please remove every non-factual statement immediately. If they are not removed by EOD tomorrow, you will hear from my attorney on Monday. This is outright slander & you are absolutely at fault here.
Initially, when I was made aware of your rant, I planned to simply file suit against you. I’m giving you the opportunity to remove these outright lies rather than sue you. I have ample documentation that what you’re stating is factually incorrect.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 11:40h, 19 JulyHire a good one!
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 12:09h, 19 JulyHi Eric,
As soon as I can get a hold of my boss and gain access to the email exchanges between you and your company I will post them all with screen shots. We have every bit of evidence to back up every single thing stated here. While you’re listening, has our boss asked you now four times whether or not you are refunding the money or competing your contractual obligation? You have responded only one time and did not answer the question instead you said “I can’t see Reuben saying that. We know you record all phone calls so please send the recording.” You refuse to answer the question, you refuse to refund the $2500 and you refuse to state whether or not you will fulfill your contractual obligations. If you would like to settle this, pleas give him a call and if you think you have a case for slander, please seek an attorney and file suit. Like I said, I will be posting all emails sent from our boss to you and your one reply.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 05:26h, 21 JulyHi Eric,
It’s Monday morning and we haven’t heard from your $200 hour attorney?? We have offered 7 times via email to give you a chance to refund our $2500 deposit or to fulfill your contract and To build the website. The choice is yours (Displet LLC)?
I think it is really unfortunate that you take peoples hard earned money and refuse to fulfill your contractual obligation, where I come from this is called “Theft.”
If you would like to make this good and settle this like a legitimate company would, you know how to reach my boss as he has emailed you 7 different times asking for the $2500 deposit back or asking that you finish your contractual obligation. I believe he has even emailed you through “Basecamp” with no response.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 21:56h, 18 JulyDrew,
You may want to look around at all the negative complaints from other people around the country and all for the same thing (taking money, not finishing the projects and refusing to refund the money). In my opinion, Displet is a scam!!
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 22:01h, 18 JulyDrew,
I have been looking at some other sites and other complaints against Displet and it seems you kind of follow Eric around and post positive comments on other feeds as well?? Do you work at Displet??
Drew Meyers
Posted at 06:28h, 19 JulyNo. I neither work for Displet nor do I follow Eric around the web defending him. But Eric has been a friend of mine for a long time, so of course I’m biased.
FYI I tried to email you yesterday, and I got a bounceback that your email address does not exist. So given you are not even using your real email address to comment here, of course I trust Eric more than you.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 07:34h, 19 JulyReally?? Why is it that Displet LLC has many many complaints from many people across the country? My email address is no secret [email protected] feel free to email me all you like. We have been in talks with the Austin Texas police department (Online Fraud Division) about the situations and it seems we are not the only ones. Of course you would defend your “Long Time” friend Eric Bramlett owner of Displet LLC without even knowing the situation(s). I will take screen shots of all of our email transcripts asking Eric Bramlett (Displet LLC) to either complete the work or refund our money along with Mr. Bramlett’s answer (no answer). Once the email images are posted I think you are going to feel pretty silly for your previous comments.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 07:38h, 19 JulyThis isn’t rocket science. Defending friends is human nature Doug. If you tell me you wouldn’t do the same thing for a friend of yours, you are lying. That said, I was very very clear in my comment I don’t know the circumstances of this case at all. But just because someone on the internet complains and says they got screwed, does not mean I’m going to abandon a friend of 7+ years.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 07:40h, 19 JulyBy the way Drew, I have no idea why you are getting emails kicked back because every-time you comment on this thread has no problem reaching me via email to let me know that you have responded???? I am extremely surprised that you are willing to risk your online reputation to defend a company (person) without even doing your research with the BBB, Austin Police Department, and many other online ratings?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 07:47h, 19 JulyI don’t exactly trust the BBB. I dealt with them while I worked at Zillow, and there were many many many complaints that were NOT from customers that we had to deal with. It was a huge time suck to get BBB to resolve them… so I understand how it can happen to have a build up.
So I take it you turn on your friends on a whim if someone says the slightest thing negative about them?
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 07:53h, 19 JulyDrew, excuses are like assholes, everyone has one! I have many friends and working for one the largest companies in the world for the past sixteen years I have many friends. I can say this, I would never publicly defend a friend without knowing all the facts. Have you seen the other comments below this one on Displet LLC? It seems the others posting on this thread have had the same dealings with Displet LLC that We have. I think it’s a bit childish for you to turn this conversation from a posting of dissatisfaction to “me not being a quality friend.” It’s almost so ridiculous, I feel a bit childish even responding.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 07:57h, 19 JulyMy only point is that defending friends is human nature. If you think I’m going to abandon a friend because of a few online comments by people I don’t know, you don’t know me at all.
I’m done with this discussion. Pls resolve your issues with Displet via the appropriate channels.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:11h, 19 JulyDrew,
I just wanted to let you know that I saw your response immediately because emailed me at the email you say kicked back to you and let me know that you had posted a response to this thread.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:16h, 19 JulyI just emailed you.
Your beef with Displet/Eric is known.
We’re done with this conversation here on Geek Estate.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:20h, 19 JulyI received your email and I was astounded that you are censoring me here on this blog. I will make sure to take a screen shot of your email and post that all over the web as well. I can tell you this, I have 1.2 million followers on Twitter and my wife is a renowned journalist, people will have a fit in disgust over a “Blogger” censoring others.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:23h, 19 JulyI’m not sure how anyone who looks at this comment thread can say I’m censoring the conversation. The whole conversation can be read right here. All I’m preventing you from doing is going and posting the same beef you have on every article Eric has been mentioned in over the course of 7 years. But say what you must if you think it’ll make you happy.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:29h, 19 JulySo for the record, did you email me telling me that you would no long allow me to post here on your blog about my dissatisfaction of Displet LLC? Why are there comments that you have not yet “Approved?” I will post the email all over the internet that you sent me and I will let others determine whether or not you threatened to “CENSOR” me. All I am saying is this, I posted here and you responded. You are the owner of this blog and you happen to be a “Very Good Friend” of the Eric Bramlett (Owner of Displet LLC). I had no idea while reading the original post that you were friends with Eric Bramlett because you wrote the post in a way that nobody would ever know that you were friends with the person the article was intended to promote. I cant stand CENSORSHIP and I know through my wife’s work that others in the industry HATE censorship.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:32h, 19 JulyDouglas
I did NOT write this original post –,%2011:35%20AM.png
This blog has many guest authors.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:36h, 19 JulyGotya, You did however respond to the post defending Displet LLC without knowing the whole story and you are the owner of this blog correct? You also said that you are very good friends of 7 years with Eric Bramlett the owner of Displet LLC correct? You also wrote me an email stating that you would not allow me to post my distrust for Displet LLC on this blog anymore, correct?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:37h, 19 JulyI published the email I sent you here in the comments already. Everyone can read it now.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:38h, 19 JulyIf I deleted this entire comment thread, then I would be censoring. But I’m not doing that.
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:41h, 19 JulyCensoring is also not allowing certain comments to appear and allowing your own to appear. I have comments here that are “awaiting moderation” and “not yet posted” yet you respond without allowing the public to see my responses.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:44h, 19 JulyAll the comments you’ve left here on this thread should now be approved. They were stuck in disqus spam controls.
I did remove the comments you left on other blog posts which were essentially the exact same thing as the original comment here. There is no reason to post the same thing all over this blog. It’s already been said.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:25h, 19 JulyI’ll post the email to the world to save you the trouble.
You’ve said your peace on one post –
I’m not going to allow you to post an iteration of the same comment on every post that eric has ever been mentioned on on geek estate. Yes, he is my friend. And yes, it’s my blog. Please resolve your beef with eric/displet via the appropriate channels…which is not in the comments of my blog”
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 07:56h, 19 JulyI’m guessing that next you’re going to tell your readers that Zillow’s “Zestimates” are accurate….lol
Drew Meyers
Posted at 07:59h, 19 JulyReaders can make their own determination on that:
Douglas Andrews
Posted at 08:16h, 19 JulyDid you seriously just post a “Cited Source” of Zillow’s accuracy of the “Zestimate” written by Zillow on Zillows own blog? Drew, Your credibility is all but blown now!