After four weeks in development the first iteration of our Geek Build 2012 test site is live at This is a child theme built on the Genesis Framework for WordPress. I sent a first round of questions and changes back to the developer today, and will continue to test the theme this week.

Once we get the theme dialed in, the site will go to Real Geeks for integration with their IDX, except for one participant located in a market not served by Real Geeks. That site will be integrated with IDX Broker. It should be interesting to compare and contrast the differences in these two implementations of our theme.

We had some major participant changes which greatly contributed to the lengthy delay we experienced with the project. Three people dropped out for various reasons, and three new participants were added, as follows:

Sam DeBord, with Coldwell Banker Danforth, will build a new site at

Adam Conrad, with Perry Wellington Realty, will redevelop

Tammy Beckley, with Cascade Sotheby’s International, will build a new site at

Next up, IDX Integration and adding content to More to follow.

Note from the Editor: Not sure what Geek Build 2012 is? It’s building a few real estate websites from scratch publicly with the help of the Geek Estate Community and overseen by an experienced steering committeeRead more about Geek Build 2012 here, or view all posts related to Geek Build 2012 here.

**Geek Build logo designed by Dominic Morrocco at M Squared Real Estate.