[Editor’s Note: Geek Estate Offers are special offers members of the Geek Estate Mastermind]

GeoCV is happy to invite you to the closed beta of their Do-It-Yourself solution for capturing and visualizing real estate spaces in 3D+360°.

How it works

They provide your representative or preferred photographer their hardware, software and training so they could film listings by themselves and automatically get 3D tours and floor plans.

Camera: GeoCV provides the whole setup including the smartphone (we can’t support your phones yet), you will only need a tripod extra.

Software: Scan via an easy-to-use mobile app. One-button upload to our cloud, processing is done automatically. Edit 3D tour in web dashboard, add info and tags. Share and distribute 3D tour via a link, embed on your website. Receive floor plan with dimensions as a file.

Training: Remote anywhere or in-person in NYC. Takes 30-60 minutes. No special skills required.

Video demo:


Email Jonathan Klein to Learn More