Google Analytics Launches an API
I haven’t seen anyone in the real estate space pick up the news of that Google launched an API for Google Analytics, so thought I’d quickly mention it to this audience in case you don’t follow Techmeme on a daily basis. You can see the Google Analytics Developer docs here. It seems this could be a great tool for the real estate web vendors such as Diverse Solutions, z57, Advanced Access, and Agent Image (among others) to utilize in order to add more value to their clients.
Real Geeks
Posted at 00:37h, 22 AprilThis looks great Drew. Thanks for sharing.
Angie Vandenbergh
Posted at 07:31h, 22 AprilThanks for the post. I had not heard about this.
de slabit
Posted at 11:44h, 03 JanuaryI was been after the Internet for this info and just wanted to thank you for the post. Also, just off topic, how can i download a version of this theme? – 10x
Grisel Stankus
Posted at 22:11h, 03 JanuaryI’ll be back again, thanks for the info.