List of Best Real Estate Website Technology Providers
[Update from editor March, 2017: I recommend contacting Caffeine Interactive if you’re looking for a semi-custom or full custom. Here’s one site they did for a client of mine.]
I think it’s essential that every real estate professional have their own website. I did some research and came up with the following list of technology companies that build real estate websites for real estate professionals.
- 3Plains
- a la mode
- Advanced Access
- Agent Image
- Atlast Agent Solutions
- closeRealty
- Diverse Solutions
- Incredible Agent
- iHOUSE Web Solutions
- Point 2 Agent
- Pro Web Designs
- RapidListings
- Real Estate Webmasters
- Remarkable Agents
- Ubertor
- Union Street Media
- Wolfnet
- z57
- Agent Advantage
- BlueRoof360
- Caffeine Interactive
- ImagePRO
- Lone Wolf
- Number1Expert
- Obeo
- Quantum Net Visions
- Real Estate Systems Integrator
- Real Estate Tomato
- Real Geeks
- RealtySoft
- Superlative
- Syndafeed
- Virtual Results
- Web Content Solutions
If I missed your company, please forgive me and leave a comment — I’ll update the list with additional companies that are brought to my attention.
To all the real estate professionals out there who have past or current websites built by one of these providers, I’m sure others would love to hear what you think of the customer service, pricing, ease of use, and customization options.
Zak Nicola
Posted at 13:53h, 03 OctoberDo you have a favorite?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 14:02h, 03 OctoberI don’t have any 1st hand experience with any of them since I’m not a re pro with a website — so I can’t really say.
I can say that I’ve heard great things about Ubertor from everyone I’ve talked to that uses them.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 14:57h, 03 OctoberSuperlative isn’t on your list.
And to be brutally honest, it may be better that way. I used them for a year. Customer service was horrific, and there are *very* fundamental things you can not edit — some of which are critical to good SEO. (Page titles come immediately to mind).
Over three years ago I told them several themes didn’t dispaly well in Firefox. You’d think they would have had plenty of time to address that, but no….
I’ll stick with my Point2 Agent site — fully customizable, superior customer service, constantly pushing the envelope. If you know *nothing* about websites, editing is as easy as using Word. If you know a little HTML, the sky is the limit. They have some very innovative and unique features.
Full disclosure: I am a “preferred vendor” for Point2 Agent. My “side business” specializes in helping people with Point2 sites. But I was a very satisfied customer long before launching that endeavor.
Kris Berg
Posted at 15:06h, 03 OctoberI can’t speak to the others, but it took Ubertor’s product to motivate me to finally 86 my self-written site. I had been clinging to my former site (for about seven years, I believe), which was hideously ugly and an SEO nightmare solely for the control it gave me. I needed (still need) the ability to update freely and to add/delete/create pages at whim, and the Ubertor site allows this control and flexibility.
While a little code knowledge helps to take full advantage of the features, it is absolutely not necessary. It literally took me one weekend (and a good bottle of chardonnay) to migrate my pages and files over (which are hundreds deep). Love the product and love the cost.
They didn’t even pay me for this testimonial although, Steve, I do take tips. 🙂
Steven Groves
Posted at 15:28h, 03 OctoberGreat list – I’ve used / reviewed at leat three on the list. I’ll be adding the balance to my ongoing series of Executive Conversations at and adding them to my section on online resources for agents.
Steven Groves
Posted at 15:33h, 03 Octoberah – one more to add… RealtySoft. One I’ve reviewed and was included in the online tools article from Realtor Magazine
Damon Pace
Posted at 16:20h, 03 OctoberDrew, websites are only part of our real estate platform. Our system is very different from the rest of these on your list. Think platform, not website.
If anyone wants to try it out, you can start yours for free within a matter of minutes.
Posted at 07:00h, 04 OctoberI work for, so I am biased, but we are one of the top companies in the industry. provides real estate professionals with full-service web-based marketing solutions including website design, hosting, IDX solutions and search engine optimization.
Ian Watt
Posted at 08:59h, 04 OctoberIf you’re in the real estate business (as a realtor or broker) and you’re looking for fantastic web presence there is no other company that delivers a better product than Ubertor. Google “Vancouver Penthouse for Sale” and my site should be ranked pretty high and the great thing is – ive never paid any 3rd party to do seo ranking. Check them out – ian
Michael Price
Posted at 15:26h, 04 OctoberConsumers visit real estate sites for 2 primary reasons.
1. To See Listings
2. To Find Out The Value Of Their Homes
If I were evaluating a web site platform, I would gauge it by those that did the best job of delivering these elements.
Of these providers, which provide the feature of a fully integrated IDX feed of listing data from individual MLS’? By fully integrated, I mean at least a once daily update of the MLS listings in my market that offer the ability for me to display the listings as if they are my own and generate leads directly from them. (framed mls listings do not qualify as a true idx feed)
Which providers have built in features either through API’s or customizable forms to allow an agent to generate a listing lead from someone interested in a valuation of their property?
Real Estate Web Design with an emphasis on SEO |
Posted at 08:28h, 06 November[…] few weeks back geekestateblog released a blog post about various real estate web design solutions on the market. I worked in the space a few years back so many of the 25 or so companies were quite […]
Maria P.
Posted at 08:48h, 06 NovemberWhy do you think it is essential every real estate professional have their own website?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 10:16h, 06 NovemberMaria-
Since agents are essentially independent contractors and largely in charge of building their own book of business — I think not having your own web presence online is a mistake. I forget the exact stat, but roughly 80% of buyers are starting their home search online.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 10:24h, 06 NovemberMaria wrote: Why do you think it is essential every real estate professional have their own website?
I can’t imagine not having a website. It is, by far, the single most cost effective way to market 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
As Drew mentioned, the vast majority of buyers start their home search online (I’ve heard numbers ranging from 70 – 85%, the last I saw from the NAR said 78%).
We get 95% of our business from our online presence and marketing, and our website and blog account for the bulk of that.
How can an agent in this day and age not have a web presence?
Ian Watt
Posted at 14:21h, 06 NovemberAs farming is as old as real estate itself, finding new ways to stand out and become the authority in a neighborhood is becoming more and more difficult. I started farming a building called Electric Avenue in Downtown Vancouver 2 years ago and because of the frequency of flyers sent to the 456 unit complex I developed a bit of a reputation as the local expert. People would call every so often to list their homes or ask for a current market price. Furthermore people would also contact me regarding finding a parking rental or even to rent out their units etc and this is where the community site was born. I contacted Ubertor for assistance with the new concept and 2 years later our site is the authority on this building. The key aspects of the site includes current listing, a rental notice board and floor plans. In 2006 we had 11 ends in the Electric Avenue building and we’re on pace to match that number in 2007. Eleven ends at approximately $5500 per end, we grossed over $60,000 for this single website. Not a bad return on a $900 annual website hosting fee.
We have since cloned our system for, and which will be complete in 2010 – its never too early to build your site. The greatest thing about building niche sites is that with great success you will have something to sell should you wish to wind down your real estate practice. Finally, and to clear the air, I do have to pay for all 8 of my websites and no, I don’t own even a share of Ubertor, though I wish I did. Please feel free to email me direct to find out more.”
Ian Watt
Q&A with Morgan Carey at Real Estate Webmasters | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 10:47h, 27 February[…] are many real estate technology vendors that build agent websites, with Real Estate Webmasters (REW) being one of the companies in the mix. If you’ve heard […]
Posted at 09:31h, 18 AprilOur service includes domain name registration and real estate web design. Real Estate Designers provides the complete solution includingdesign,application development and marketing.
Posted at 02:35h, 28 AprilI work for
Our company provides fully integrated MLS solution, website design and hosting for real estate professionals.
michael Garozzo
Posted at 19:50h, 13 JuneHi Stacy I would like to know what real estate tools you offer and the cost. I belong to Sacramento Association of Realtors (SAR)and cooperate in Solano County (Vacaville Fairfield) as well. Does your service allow customers to access SAR listings. What else do you have rent vs buy calculators? [email protected]
Michael Garozzo 1st American
Personal Agent Websites are a Critical to Building Trust with Consumers | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 12:13h, 03 October[…] love to get your thoughts as to what real estate technology providers produce the most professional agent websites — is it all about design or is quality […]
James Shiner from ZIPVO
Posted at 13:12h, 03 OctoberWe were a month old when this list was created –
Peyman Aleagha
Posted at 14:47h, 03 OctoberDrew, great post! Make sure to check out, we have one of the most advanced real estate website solutions in the market today. The main difference between our solution and other providers is that our solution is modular, each website consists of multiple gadgets just like We are also value providers of the industry, you get a fully functional website equipped with IDX and CMS for $25 per month with no setup fees. Feel free to contact me and I will do a demo for you!
Posted at 09:27h, 11 DecemberJust want to let everyone know about a great Website Design company.
I was a sceptical because of the price, but boy did they deliver for about
$200 they did the most amazing work for me. I just wanted to pass that along to
you guys.
you can check them out at:
Bill Skrypnyk
Posted at 11:29h, 29 DecemberDrew, can you kindly include in your list.
MyRealPage ( is a provider of Real Estate Website and Listings Solutions, such as IDX and VOW (Virtual Office Website) in several Canadian and US markets. Our fully revamped product line offers a complete suite of tools to manage your real estate website, give your web visitors useful real estate listing tools, and manage your leads and clients.
MyRealPage website system boasts:
* Widget oriented page composition which enables a non-technically savvy user to fully edit their pages and templates by using drag-and-drop and WISYWIG page editing
* Full edit-publish-recover process for your website which allows you to edit your content in a “staging” area before publishing, and recover your pages through history tracking
* A long array of widgets (weblets), including multiple blogs, RSS news reader, quick search forms, featured listings, testimonials, editable flash banners, and many more…
* Hot-swappable themes which allow you to experiment with your website’s look-and-feel and go live when ready
* Fully customizable forms, including entirely custom forms
* Advanced user support, including full CSS access, arbitrary javascript or html mark-up; 3rd party widget friendly (widgetbox, js-kit, etc).
* Much More…
MyRealPage listing IDX and VOW system offers in areas with data feeds:
* Automatic listing maintenance for your and your office listings
* Interactive Google Map search which allows you to draw your area of interest through shapes; including multi-level selectable neighborhood overlays (in some areas); as well as a number of other highly user-friendly search forms
* Predefined searches that can be saved and launched through a URL, as well as predefined search form criteria
* Lead conversion path from anonymous browsing to a VOW member by offering useful listing tools to manage searches and favorites
* Much more…
MyRealPage lead management offers:
* Fully integrated lead manager, service tracker, and webmail
* Outlook Synchronization for your leads and contacts
* Much more…
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:33h, 29 DecemberDone
Google Analytics Launches an API | GeekEstate Blog - Real Estate Technology News and Analysis for Real Estate Professionals
Posted at 22:50h, 21 April[…] You can see the Google Analytics Developer docs here. It seems this could be a great tool for the real estate web vendors such as Diverse Solutions, z57, Advanced Access, and Agent Image (among others) to utilize in order […]
Is Your Agent or Broker Website “Social” and/or Personalized? | GeekEstate Blog - Real Estate Technology News and Analysis for Real Estate Professionals
Posted at 07:55h, 05 June[…] I’m wrong and one of these vendors — or another real estate technology vendor — have done a really cool integration using one or multiple of these “social” […]
List of Mortgage Website Technology Providers | GeekEstate Blog - Real Estate Technology News and Analysis for Real Estate Professionals
Posted at 11:02h, 31 August[…] you’re an agent or broker looking for a website vendor, here is the list of real estate technology vendors I put together. | […]
Patty McNease
Posted at 05:47h, 01 SeptemberHi Drew,
Please add NUMBER1EXPERT.COM to your list of technology partners. We provide website and marketing solutions to the top selling agents in the country.
Posted at 09:21h, 01 SeptemberPatty-
Sorry about that, I just added you to the list.
Patty McNease
Posted at 05:47h, 01 SeptemberHi Drew,
Please add NUMBER1EXPERT.COM to your list of technology partners. We provide website and marketing solutions to the top selling agents in the country.
Posted at 09:21h, 01 SeptemberPatty-
Sorry about that, I just added you to the list.
Posted at 20:32h, 01 is another player in this field. We focus on larger brokers and franchises interested in providing a large suite of tools to their network of agents along with powerful SEO.
Ed Kohler
Posted at 20:32h, 01 is another player in this field. We focus on larger brokers and franchises interested in providing a large suite of tools to their network of agents along with powerful SEO.
Crown Communities Illinois » Blog Archive » Effective Online Marketing Helps Reel in Leads
Posted at 10:05h, 10 November[…] […]
Jim Cronin
Posted at 17:13h, 24 NovemberDon't forget your friends at Real Estate Tomato =)
Posted at 17:16h, 24 NovemberDone
Jim Cronin
Posted at 17:26h, 24 NovemberThanks man!
Jim Cronin
Posted at 17:13h, 24 NovemberDon't forget your friends at Real Estate Tomato =)
Posted at 17:16h, 24 NovemberDone
Jim Cronin
Posted at 17:26h, 24 NovemberThanks man!
Crown Communities Florida » Blog Archive » Effective Online Marketing Helps Reel in Leads
Posted at 13:42h, 21 December[…] […]
Agent Guru
Posted at 06:26h, 19 FebruaryAgent Guru is an real estate agent website solution with customizable interface design.
It perfectly fits real estate agents who need a website which is able to help with generating feeds as well as managing his properties.
Check it out at
Bud Hovell
Posted at 14:09h, 29 AprilHi, Drew …
Could you please add us, also?
Posted at 05:58h, 03 MayBud-
Syndafeed is already listed on this post.
Bud Hovell
Posted at 10:58h, 03 MayOops — sorry, I didn't notice you already mentioned us.
On second thought, it may also mislead people if SyndaFeed appears on this particular list at all. We solely provide automated syndication delivery and reporting services serving OTHER industry providers and their customers. We specifically do NOT offer website or other for-fee services competing with theirs. But thanks for generously mentioning us here, anyway.
Bud Hovell
Posted at 14:09h, 29 AprilHi, Drew …
Could you please add us, also?
Posted at 05:58h, 03 MayBud-
Syndafeed is already listed on this post.
Charles Wibel
Posted at 08:25h, 18 MayI need a suggestion – I deal in only properties that were built between 1620 and 1930 and I am state wide in New Hampshire. I can not find a website suporter that offers the two things I need in their IDX search engine
1. Ability to search by age spread ie. 1620 – 1930
2. Ability to search by entire state and by county and by town. Most offer by town only and most of my customers come from out of state and may not know the towns they wish to buy in.
Any suggestions?
Charles Wibel
Vintage Homes Realty
P.S. The Bean Group website is prefect but it is an inhouse site not an off the shelf product.
Posted at 09:10h, 18 MayCharles
Please give us a call. We can solve this problem for you with a quality IDX search that will give you exactly what you need. Our office is open 7am – 5pm EST.
Posted at 09:09h, 18 provides custom websites for the Real Estate professional.
Rick Ryan
Posted at 08:47h, 04 JulyHi Drew. Would you please check out, and add Quantum Net Visions to your list?
Posted at 07:46h, 07 JulyDone 🙂
Posted at 14:46h, 07 JulyDone 🙂
Posted at 18:42h, 20 JulyHi Drew,
Please check out We would love to have our name added to your list of providers.
Rob Matton
Director of Sales
Posted at 04:52h, 14 DecemberPlease add to your list.
Jarad Hull
Posted at 04:52h, 14 DecemberPlease add to your list.
Jarad Hull
Posted at 04:52h, 14 DecemberPlease add to your list.
Jarad Hull
Greg Tracy
Posted at 23:45h, 14 DecemberHi Drew, Haven’t seen you for a while (since Inman a couple years ago I believe). Can you please include in the list.
We provide custom websites, CRM, mobile search, doc storage, blog network, email marketing, company intranet and social media, and a ton more. And our property search has won a bunch of awards and we think it’s still the best in the industry IMHO… lol
Greg Tracy
Greg Tracy
Posted at 23:45h, 14 DecemberHi Drew, Haven’t seen you for a while (since Inman a couple years ago I believe). Can you please include in the list.
We provide custom websites, CRM, mobile search, doc storage, blog network, email marketing, company intranet and social media, and a ton more. And our property search has won a bunch of awards and we think it’s still the best in the industry IMHO… lol
Greg Tracy
dieta personalizata
Posted at 05:24h, 03 JanuaryI have been looking the Web for such information and just wanted to say thanks to you for this post. By the way, just off topic, where can i get a version of this theme? – 10x
Posted at 05:37h, 21 Januarycheck out
Posted at 05:52h, 24 JuneDon’t forget RealtyNinja!
Posted at 17:36h, 16 SeptemberWow! Now that is quite a list of designers. I am going thru each one right now to see if I can find one that looks good to me. I am on the low budget side so I was looking toward one that uses idxbroker for the IDX as I just cannot afford the on site IDX even though I know it would be more valuable.
Greg Vardaro
Posted at 10:27h, 26 SeptemberYouGotListings!
Anita Koppens
Posted at 15:40h, 26 SeptemberHi Drew,
It would be super nice if you could include We create predesigned and semi-custom sites that include a patent-pending, search engine optimized, indexable IDX solution. Thank you for your consideration.
Posted at 08:28h, 15 AprilHello . We appreciate if you can add (Realtyna) in your list.
We have IDX/RETS Integration package , and many extra plugins , specially for Joomla websites.
Tara Sybrant
Posted at 15:43h, 03 MayHey Guys! This is a pretty comprehensive list. We would love to be included on this list. We are Real Pro Systems We provide three levels of agent systems, SEO, professional services, IDX Integrations, Facebook business pages, stealth lead generation and a host of other tools to ensure agents online success with brand identity, lead generation and follow up.
Steve Haase
Posted at 17:21h, 16 MayCould you add us to your list? We are High Elevation at We’ve been in business designing websites for real estate professionals for almost 15 years and have 3 of the top 20 RE/MAX agents in the country (one of them is #4 in US, #1 in TX) as long-time clients, as well as many other top agents. A client gets personal service and an extremely customized service for a very reasonable and competitive price in working with us. They also have access to the owner of the company. Thank you ahead of time for adding us!
Posted at 14:57h, 11 is another…
Posted at 14:59h, 11 Julyand Home Junction (
Rustem Kanaev
Posted at 03:40h, 25 JulyHello
Please check out
PG Real Estate Solutioon is turnkey CMS for real estate brokers, agents and companies.
Posted at 14:57h, 08 OctoberREW is amazing!!
Maui RealEstate
Posted at 16:56h, 10 OctoberI would also suggest Eric Bramlett’s Displet and Seth Price’s Placester.
Posted at 00:18h, 07 NovemberHi guys – don’t forget Property Target –
Posted at 12:20h, 12 NovemberThanks so much for
creating this! Great resource
Posted at 08:28h, 18 MarchWe’ve just had a WordPress site built by AgentImage. It was a pain but we finally got a decent site built and it wasn’t cheap. Now their support is horrible and I can’t get them to tweak anything or help me with a few changes. I’m looking to find another host with excellent support and uninterrupted servers. Any recs or companies want to step up tell me what you can do? [email protected]
Posted at 15:38h, 13 MayThere is a big difference between a business card style website and a website designed to capture buyer leads. Zurple can provide the site, we’ll run the ads, and we’ll use our behavioral marketing software to incubate any leads that are initially unresponsive. Email me if you’d like to learn more, [email protected]
Posted at 12:16h, 03 JulyHELP! I’m helping a friend of mine with her Point2 website. I’m not a ‘webmaster’ though I have built a few websites, but not for realtors. She needs the listings feed added (CREA’s DDF), but the Point2 people don’t have anything to do with it and just send VERY complicated instructions. Is there a more userfriendly site or does anybody know how to do this?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 13:08h, 03 JulyIf that feed is required I’d suggest you ask website vendors if they support it, and pick one of them that does.
Don't Have a XML Feed Set Up? Where to Go to Get Started - GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 21:56h, 27 August[…] Comprehensive list of website technology providers […]
Posted at 16:30h, 08 MarchI’m a real estate agent who made the switch from Point2Agent to Myrsol. Myrsol is a dynamic IDX platform with amazing customer support. This is my 6th year with the company and I am so happy to be on their platform.
Posted at 01:22h, 04 AugustMoef has made Environmental Clearance required for zone winds under the acquisitions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. A Committee constituted by MOEF studies the acquisitions of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification 2006, relating to permitting environment clearances for roads, structures, SEZ wanders and the acquisitions related to lift structures.PDV
group helped industries to obtain environmental clearance from MoEF that permits their organizations to fire up its operations in India easily.
pransha paul
Posted at 03:20h, 19 SeptemberNice post with nice list..I will think about it and refer it to my friends who need it. I’m only interested to invest on property at noida in india. And have lot of properties right now as The Aranya, Unnati Fortune Group.
Posted at 04:16h, 01 DecemberBuying real estate is always a big investment
Paul Stonkus
Posted at 11:00h, 15 Januarystarting to check these companies:
realtyna- got a recording
high elevation, their page under real estate, loaded incorrectly
realpro- busy signal
1parkplace- no website info available online
propertytarget states, “We Marketing Agents and Brokerages” on opening page
not a good start!
Posted at 09:20h, 28 MarchRealtyIT offers affordable websites and IDX solutions
Lone Wolf RET
Posted at 09:03h, 16 AprilHi Drew, would be great if you could add Lone Wolf globalWOLF to this list!
– Patrick from Lone Wolf
Heather Walker
Posted at 10:59h, 28 AprilWow, great list! When you have a sec, check out – single property websites for real estate agents! 🙂
Upkeep Media
Posted at 23:21h, 19 DecemberHey Drew,
Awesome blog you have going here. Another company that you can add to this list is Upkeep Media We provide websites and digital marketing for real estate companies
Nants Foley
Posted at 10:52h, 29 AprilFour Corners Real Estate Group in California uses Placester, which is out of Boston
Michael Yasieniuk
Posted at 07:45h, 17 JuneGreat list. Thought I’d add one more…, fresh new websites for modern real estate agents and brokerages 🙂
Posted at 05:07h, 26 JulyWow, this post really is popular 😉
Here’s one more, WeeBrix : – multilingual real estate websites with prices starting from….. free!!
Posted at 15:08h, 24 AprilJust an update. Weebrix is now PropertyWebBuilder and is even more free than before – It is now open source 😉
Chris Haag
Posted at 09:44h, 05 OctoberHi Drew,
I am wondering if you might be able to add to this list. They provide a very nice and easy tool for real estate agents to build their own sites.
Posted at 10:35h, 04 DecemberDrew – would you please add to this list? The IDX is integrated to the Realtor websites – it’s not a 3rd party tool, plus Real Geeks includes a super robust CRM with the ability to have auto text responders and a super proactive drip email campaign. thx!
Drew Meyers
Posted at 12:01h, 04 DecemberAdded…
Posted at 12:03h, 04 Decembermuch appreciated!