Google Analytics

If you use Google Analytics to analyze your web/blog traffic (and you do use something, right?), there is a nifty new addition. You can now have Analytics track and report on what how your web/blog visitors are using your site’s internal search function.

Knowing what your visitors are searching your site for could provide some great insight and allow you to not only understand what your visitors are looking for, but more importantly, understand if your site is delivering that content.

The “gPhone”

There has been rampant speculation and rumors of late that Google is going to introduce a cellular phone, platform, software — something — to break into the cell market.

Those rumors got some serious backing today as announcements are coming out about Google and 34 other companies joining in an Open Source extravaganza that could fundamentally change the way phones, and phone applications, are done.

There is a flurry of press releases and blog posts happening as I type. The post, “Google’s Call” has a nice overview. Many other related stories can be found here (blog posts), or here (mainstream press).