Great Example of a Marketing Video for 92 Sandhill Road
I agree with Marlow — this is a great example of a real estate marketing video (for 92 Sandhill Road).
Are you creating videos for your listings? If so, how do they compare to this? How much are you spending on video?
Posted at 03:24h, 29 AugustThis is a great video. However, you must realize that 99.999% of real estate agents in America will NEVER pay the cost associated with a video of this calibre. In fact, I would be very surprised if this wasn’t done at a very reduced rate or even pro bono for a portfolio piece. How much DID this cost? Several days, hours and hours of shooting, numerous models and camera people, dozens of hours editing. $3000? $4000? More? Will anyone tell?
This is not realistic for almost any realtor, although it’s a beautiful piece.
Posted at 06:06h, 29 AugustVery nice.. But when an average listing is 150k you are not going to spend this much.
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 14:47h, 29 AugustBeautiful video. Any owner would be proud to have that kind of marketing for their home, it’s more like a short film. Knowing what some short HD videos that we’ve done have cost, this was probably $10k+. The amount of time and equipment necessary is fairly daunting.
Posted at 02:41h, 30 Augustwow – who are you, this video is too good!
Posted at 02:53h, 30 AugustBeautiful piece and I agree very, very expensive to shoot. The property is located in the tony town of Orinda and my guess, without taking time to look it up on the MLS, it’s listed in the $3 to $5 million price point. It’s impressive. I’d be curious whether the buyer is influenced by the film or never even saw it.
I’ve spent a lot on video and the buyers never saw it. So, who is it being shot for? My one critic is the agent’s name was on the screen for 1 or 2 seconds at most. I think that was a little too fast, but that’s the only critic I have.
M Squared Real Estate
Posted at 17:11h, 31 AugustI want the car.
Another Great Example of Video Marketing | | GeekEstate BlogGeekEstate Blog
Posted at 21:19h, 20 September[…] is a lot to learn from great video marketing. I have another one for you, this one very different from the one linked in the previous […]
Joe Zekas
Posted at 14:30h, 21 SeptemberThe video is pathetic from the standpoint of selling real estate.
For starters – a video that’s not on YouTube isn’t going to be viewed by a healthy majority of the viewing audience. YouTube is the # 2 search engine and real estate video needs to be there.
This starts off as if it were a trailer for a horror / stalker movie and never truly escapes that genre.
The music will irritate a good percentage of the potential buyers.
And on and on.
How agents can think this will help them is totally beyond me.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 15:13h, 21 SeptemberJoe-
This video is not trying to reach home’re right. It’s trying to reach HR managers or whoever handles the real estate needs for small/large companies.
How is this relevant to an agent? They need to figure out how to make rockstars out of their clients. For instance, look at the video testimonials on Sue Adler’s site –
This wasn’t meant as something for an agent to copy exactly. Far from it. It was meant to demonstrate what people are doing with video marketing in another vertical.
[update: oops, I posted this comment from my email and thought Joe’s comment was in reference to this post instead of the post he commented on]
Domain Registration
Posted at 01:03h, 22 SeptemberThese information helps me consider some useful things, keep up the good work.
Sheila Cox
Posted at 18:01h, 25 MarchI have to agree with Joe Z…thought it looked (sounded) like a slasher film. Terrible music…seemed creepy. I was waiting for a knife chase! A good example of how poorly chosen background music can ruin the feel of a video.
New Story Media
Posted at 14:30h, 17 JuneIn the September issue of “Real Estate” magazine, Stephen Schweickart,
CEO OF Vscreen, said, “The handwriting is on the wall. It’s not a matter
of whether or not Realtors will incorporate video into their marketing …
but rather how far behind they will fall before seeing the light.”
Your right… they are not cheap to produce but for the right listing (and there are many) this is the only way to go. Our films are bridging the gap between real estate marketing and the latest development in technology.
Our Clients aren’t film-makers. Their job is to facilitate the buying and selling property. Our job is to provide them with world-class marketing materials to do so. [removed]
In June 2013, 183 million Americans viewed more than 44 billion online videos.
1/3 of all online activity is spent watching video.
Cisco predicts that within two years 90% of internet
traffic will be video content.
46% of users take some sort of action after viewing a video ad, according to Online publishers association