How I Use a VA in My Own Real Estate Biz
I have been using a VA (Virtual assistant) in my business since about 2000. It started out with just needing a little extra help for Christmas cards and then a database mail out. It wasn’t until 2003 that it started to become a normal addition to my business life. Since I work from home like most “Geeky Real Estate Agents”, going into the office to delegate duties to my full time assistant would be like creating a full time job for myself. I didn’t really want to be someone’s boss, I just needed some help with a few things to help make my time management more efficient which in turn allows me to do what I love best – selling real estate. I don’t make money by creating feature sheets or editing pictures I make money only when I sell real estate.
Working with a VA is really for everyone — whether you are busy or not. If you are on the more busy side, hire more than one. My biggest concern about hiring a full time assistant was that they would be sitting there playing games or on Facebook all day not working while I am paying a wage. With a VA you don’t have that risk because you only pay for the time you use. Your VA is self employed they have an interest to do the best job that they can for you, because they want to keep you as a client. Additionally a Virtual Assistant likely will be higher trained and can jump right in and get to work for you. If you are hiring an exclusive assistant there will be a training period to learn the tasks and software you will want to utilize.
As your business needs grow you may find that using multiple VA’s might be the way to go as they all have their own specialties and skills. I in fact utilize the services of more than one. I have my main VA that works on my blog back end and design (see my Calgary Real Estate Word Press Blog) , mail outs, flyers and seller reports and from time to time she answers my phone when I am away. Another VA will do follow up calls, cold calls etc. I have a VA for showings that books all showings with the sellers and calls for feedback on listings from the showing agents then compiles showing reports with the data. And finally I use a 4th VA when I get overwhelmed and lose my blog voice to write articles for me from time to time. All 4 of my VA’s specialize in their own niche and are exceptional at what they do and together it is like having a full time assistant, but at a fraction of the cost. Using Virtual Assistants in my business allows me to spend my time either selling more real estate, or simply spending time with my family. I know that when I assign a job it is as good as complete and that gives me a sense of relief.
Are you using a VA (or two or three) yet?
Michael Borger
Posted at 21:50h, 10 OctoberI use a VA as well — they’re indispensable! The important things are to 1) screen the heck out of them, and 2) keep them motivated. But once you have a good one (or a few, like you do), then your productivity can soar.
Cyndi Papia
Posted at 12:54h, 17 OctoberA good place to start is, where you can put in an RFP or use their search function for Certified Real Estate Support Specialists. There are many topnotch VAs out there, just need to do screening like you would do with an on-site employee.
Crystal Tost
Posted at 11:13h, 01 OctoberI could not do what I have done without my VA’s they are golden!
Timothy Kindem
Posted at 05:26h, 11 OctoberQuestion: how do you find a good VA?
Crystal Tost
Posted at 11:12h, 01 OctoberI just put the word out and interviewed- I think word of mouth is the best way to find a good VA
Posted at 06:48h, 11 OctoberDid you hire your four VA’s from the same company?
Crystal Tost
Posted at 11:11h, 01 OctoberNo I hired my VA’s separately they are both self employed and are not part of any company.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 09:13h, 11 OctoberWe just hired a VA team recently. It was hard to find decent ones and many of the VAs that we shortlisted either didn’t reply to inquiries or sent back horrible responses that were littered with mistakes.
For those of you using VAs, what are some tasks that you have tried to outsource but have taken back from the VA. What are the tasks you are grateful that they handle and you never will again?
Abraham Walker
Posted at 16:50h, 14 OctoberHere’s a link to one Virtual Assistant company: I’ve only heard good thing about the company. Ian Watt use to use their services. I don’t know if he still using them. The setup fee is pretty steep and the system is similar to having a virtual employee.
What VA companies are you using?
I don’t use a VA but I am using a outsourcing company in India to post process all of my photos (listing and blog). They charge me less than a dollar per photo and offer 24 hour turnaround. I am very pleased with their service.
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where the right of ownership is not clearly outlined. Thanks
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Real Estate Virtual Assistant
Posted at 01:44h, 13 DecemberVery Good Post.Thanks For The Information
Real Estate Assistant
Posted at 23:47h, 28 DecemberVery Interesting & Informative Post.Thanks For the Information.Keep up the Good work
Posted at 01:48h, 26 AprilVery Helpful & Informative post.Its tells about need of virtual assistants in Real Estate.
Thanks For the Information